
2013 summary, a letter to myself

(2013-12-31 22:45:32) 下一個
It is fitting that my trading account ends at xx9xxx dollars, a mere few hundreds  shy of a whole number.  it is the epitome of the year 2013,  it was very good, but could be better, had I been more bold and aggressive.

Work wise, there should be no complain.  I got what I set out to achive, even though it took a big detour.  There were times it seems the world is very unfair, but in the end, it was fair that I end up at the postion that I would have always liked.   I left x company because its technologies, but more importantly, because of lack of the carrer advancement.  Coming to the v company, I knew I would have problem with some of the team members, but was too confident that I could cope with anything as I have always dealt before. The hope was dashed as soon as I met my supervisor, I knew I would be trapped in such enviroment, there is no feeling worse than hopeless.   I was glad that i wake up from my usual one dimensional thinking and begin seraching for a way out.  out I did and successfully come back to x company again with the position that could have made me stay in the first place.    When I left x corp, one scenary was to come back after one year, I did that only 5+ months earlier, mission complished.    By next april, we will see some failout from v corp, if my predication is right, that would make this whole move even more sweet and justified. 

Financial wise, It could not be any better.  The total return is 64% and total amount is more than enough to cover my BMW purchase.  only wish that this is not an aberration but a process that can be repeated year after year.  there are two down months for the whole year,  the May's performance is definitely impacted by the  job move, the Auguest's poor perfomance stem from stubbornness to certain method and ignoring market trend.  The biggest lessson was to cut loss quick. do not let loss running up.   Whether it is ture or not, there are things seems meant to be,   my biggest loss before I started v corp was to trade v corp, and my biggest winner before I came back to x corp was the trade of x corp.  

Friends wise. I was quite lucky to make friends,  there is no secrete, just be nice and easy going and good at what you do and laugh a lot. In the first 5 mins, one should know whether you meet a worthy friend.  however, If  fate really try to tell me something, it might be that I would succeed in x corp career wise and money wise, I may not be able to have good friends like in v corp .  maybe, I should concede in this regard , it is just too hard to fight with fate.   

Year 2014:

Work wise,  the goal is to establish my position in the group such that a conversation regard career advancement can be started with management

financial wise, continue what achived in 2013,

friends wise, just let the nature take its course, be smart. be funny, be interesting, be nice and do not waste time or breathe on things or peoples not worthy.   Identify and stay with things truly meaningful and cut the loss quick, these are the simple priciples whether it is in daily life or trading.

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