Help your child learn to be a good big brother or sister.
(2007-08-05 11:17:15)
What do you do if your first child gets jealous at his/her baby brother or sister? What should you do if he/she wants your full attention but it's impossible to meet her needs?
First of all, assure your child how much you love her and how much you enjoy having her. Let her know that she will not have to share your love but will need to share your attention with the baby because the baby is unable to take care of herself. But that doesn't mean you won't love her anymore. You can only love her more and more each day. You would appreciate if she can be a big sister and big helper.
Second, try to get her involved in taking care of her baby brother or sister. Make sure to thank her and praise her for helping out.
Third, try to spend some quality time with her and give her your full attention at least once a day without the baby around. You may simply have a chat with her, watch TV, read or go for a walk with her. She doesn't need anything fancy, What she really needs is your full attention!
Fourth, if she complains about or shows negative attitude towards her baby brother/sister, You will need to make it clear to her that she will need to change her attitude. Tell her that saying "My brother is annoying" is understandable but unacceptable. Ask her how she would feel if someone else said the same words to her. Stress that she should treat others (especially her close family members) the same way as she wants to be treated. Treat her with respect and ask her to treat others (including her little brother /sister ) with respect also.
Last, let her know that you and her father would love to listen to her ideas, opinions and thoughts. You will for sure consider her opinions when making decisions. However, make it clear to her that mom and dad are the final decision makers. Her job is to obey cheerfully.
Good luck.