十月媽咪 於
06-01-19 19:03:50 剛才給寶寶洗澡,不小心把水弄到了耳朵裏,這不是第一次了.已經很小心了!唉---應該沒什麽大的影響吧?心情很沮喪!
寶寶已經百天了,很可愛.我現在是一個人帶她,老公學習很忙,孩子的事情從來都不管,我也不指望他管,我是F2.可是一個人帶孩子做飯,每天還真的挺累的.有時候還要為老公操心,他的學業最近進展不是很順利,幫他出謀劃策.現在對什麽好像都沒什麽興趣,逛街,購物,女人所應該感興趣的,我好像都已經沒什麽興趣了,包括夫妻生活,都感覺是在應付,有時候真的好累啊,身體累,心也累.偶爾有點時間到網上逛逛,好像是最大的消遣了!所有的人都讓我多擔待一些, 保住老公的學習.是啊,他的學業很重要.他基本不幫我幹家務,看孩子也是偶爾,我知道他學習忙,壓力大,不應該要求,可是他有時候還挑飯食,挑穿戴,對一些事情都很挑.我都不知道該怎麽辦,有時候感覺自己好委屈啊!盡管說了這些,也沒有怪老公的意思.
You are such a good wife and mother
crazydog 於
06-01-19 22:46:57But you do need "me" time once in a while. It is very considerate of you to protect your hubby's study time. But the baby needs the father, and he has to take up a father's responsibility. Otherwise he is irresponsible. Besides it is his loss to not have the opportunity to bond with his baby--bonding comes from all these tedious chores. Maybe he could look after the baby once a week (on Sunday for example) for 3-4 hours so that you can go out to do something by yourself (even just coffee or shopping for next week's dinner, but alone). Or even better, if you can hire someone to take care of baby for a few hours once a month, you and your hubby can go out to see a movie, for example. You sounds exhausted.