
這個博克是Crazydog的粉絲特地為她建立的. Crazydog被大家尊稱為瘋老大,我就以瘋老大作為博克的主頁名稱.為了避借C


(2007-08-21 13:43:35) 下一個

Calm down. That is typical behavior of a toddler
來源: crazydog07-07-06 12:32:38
回答: 請教各位大蝦:寶寶不吃肉!!!!無論我怎麽做,她都不吃。SayCheese2007-07-06 11:34:10

Just get prepared. From now to 2 is the most difficult time for figuring out what to cook for them. Try different things and different cooking methods. Try different ways to give her the nutrition without forcing meat on her (Honestly, most meats from regular supermarkets stinks, especially when cooked in porridges, the typical Chinese cooking methods for kids--I don't blame her). Tofu (and dried beancurd) in different shapes are also great source of protein and flavor. What about pork skins and tendons cooked for a very long time (tender and tasty)? Shrimps? Pasta? Does she hate egg altogether or just egg yolk? Would she eat egg white, boiled in meat sauce? Every kid is different and have different timeline for table food.

I had a similar headach at that time. I even made noodles and pasta from scratch so that I can incorporate some meat and veggie into it. At 14 months my D refused to eat most table food except very tender Sole and Flouder cooked certain ways (steam or stir fry), not to mention meats. Although she had 8 teeth, it is still hard work to chew meats. Why does she want to do hard work if the reward (flavor) is not that great? I therfore fed her baby food while gradually encouraging table food, waiting for her to be ready. She got serious about table food at 16-18 months. She likes everything if it is cooked to her liking. She does not like regular meat, but loved spare-ribs--not for the meat part but for the bone part: it is fun to play with bones. She only eats chicken if roasted the french way (still so). She likes steam fish because of the fishhead and tail. Everything is associated with play. Because of these, she ate a lot of oxtail, spare-ribs, steam fish, roast chicken, and shrimps--not your regular toddler food. She is now a goumet loving to taste every type of food. Observe to see what your D likes to play with and make eating food part of that fun.

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