cilian 於
05-12-15 14:11:30 兒子一歲多了,婆婆剛來。也幫著看兒子,但總是教他如何親奶奶。從不叫他叫媽媽。整天爸爸,爺爺的叫,我心裏有疙瘩。現在,她一說親奶奶,兒子會馬上撲過去。我說到媽媽這來,兒子會哭,我真不明白。自己一把屎一把尿帶大的兒子竟不認我。除了喂奶,兒子跟我的關係看起來不如這個剛來的奶奶好,我很痛苦。奶奶想著法要讓我斷奶,也做飯,但總是兒子先吃,要知道我喂奶的人餓得快,但礙於麵子隻好喂完兒子在自己吃,往往飯菜已涼,肚子餓過了,食之無味了。頭腦混亂中寫下,我是不是雞蛋裏頭挑骨頭,隨便扔磚吧。
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Children do not lie
crazydog 於
05-12-15 16:40:31They will show honestly how they feel. If he is closer to a grandmother who has only been here for a short period of time than you, then you as a mother need to review how you interacts with your son!
Are you spending enough time with him every day? Have you been paying attention to his emotional and physical needs? Usually it is very difficult to distant a child from the mom no matter how sweet the other party is.
My mother-in-law also tried to teach my 18-month-old to call and kiss "nai-nai" non-stop. But my daughter would not stay with her for more than 10 min before she started looking for me. It is much more fun to play with mother than to play with grandma, right? Grandma has no energy and only asks her to sit and be obedient, and do not quite understand what she needs, while mother allows her to climb everywhere and play like crazy and gives her mental security.
Your son is yours! The only way that he is not is if you do not care. Grandma is no competition.