
參觀 Governor\'s Mansion

(2007-12-31 08:43:50) 下一個

金秋時節,隨著滾滾人流,湊熱鬧也去參觀了Governor's Mansion。

Governor's Mansion建於100多年前,據說隻花了不到三萬,曾經全部remodel過,風格不是現代派。但裏麵的裝修還是講究,氣派!

Formal Parlor

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Living Room

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Formal Dining Room

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Family Room

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Breakfast Room

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Fisrt Lady's Office

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Governor's Office

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Master Bedroom Suite

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1sr Guest Room

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2nd Guest Room

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3rd Guest Room

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4th Guest Room 

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Banquet Room (牆上貼著曆屆第一夫人的照片)

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拖拉司機 回複 悄悄話 一頭霧水. 哪裏的Governor啊?