人的觀點變了,行為也跟著變了,看看《Maze Runner》。
1. 每個人都有黑暗醜陋的一麵,而且每個人都努力隱藏自己的醜陋,並不願意打開曝光改善它。
2. 如果想要人擁有正的同情心(empathy, not sympathy)的話,你得要從小就讓他感受到別人的同情。
3. 人若是缺乏self-conscious,你在做的事可能與你正在追求的目的相反。
4. Sex是自然的產物。Gender是人臆想出來的,是人在社會裏的角色,是不該鼓勵的。Women可以掌控,Men可以示弱。
5. 錢(貨幣)是沒有任何價值的。
6. 幫助或影響一個人的最有效的方法是提問題。
7.Super Man其實是個壞人,他在幫助別人的同時,也剝奪了別人學習的機會。
下麵這段是Jim在Instant Message裏寫的,我覺得有點意思。
But next time you feel like there's a problem, the problem isn't outside you its inside you.
If you keep asking "why" long enough you realize everyone has a reason for why they do what they do. So where do the problems REALLY come from? They come from your mind comparing the truth of reality to a desire of the way your mind wants reality to be.
So eliminate desire, eliminate want, eliminate attachment, and then there are no problems, only facts.
Ego, its all ego. Destroy your ego, and there are no problems, then you'll find yourself existing in the present moment doing things because its what you yearn to be doing. It's less doing than it is being.
No attachment to results, no desire fueling it, just being.