
當思念靜止一刻,時間彷彿從心底緩緩流過; 少年時光的冰河, 在陽光裏化成了沉默. 曾經那些年少的承諾, 已經隨著微風緩緩飄過; 花瓣從樹梢迎風飄落時, 就讓這一刻變成永久...

I’d live to be a hundred

(2007-07-07 06:48:57) 下一個

A man asked his doctor if he thought he'd live to be a hundred.
The doctor asked the man, "Do you smoke or drink?"
"No," he replied, "I've never done either."
"Do you gamble, drive fast cars, and fool around with women?" inquired
the doctor.
"No, I've never done any of those things either."
"Are you a Christian or some kind of a religious person?"
"No, I don't believe in anything."
"Well then," said the doctor, "what do you want to live to be a
hundred for?"

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