My Auntie'sGuiYang food is first-class, original and beyond-tasty. She was busy atpreparing the dinner for the New Year eve, and my role by default is toquality control the food and pester her to take a picture with me.
Whilemy auntie was cooking, I could not help nibbling on the food. The foodis exactly like what I had back in my hometown. Every visit to myauntie's house is a treat for hometown flavor. BTW, while I was doingall this, Chris was hinting me on the side that I should stop pesteringmy auntie.
Hotspicy eggplant - Chris favorite of the night. It's good that Chris isnot very particular or demanding on food. He did not ask me toduplicate this at home.
Myauntie said if Chris does not enjoy GuiYang food, I'd better rethink ofthe relationship. (Just kidding). Given that requirement, Chris did agreat job, beyond my expectation, at trying everything including someunusual/weird stuff. So, he passed that test. My auntie said he iswelcomed anytime to the whole.
Overbeers, Chris was buddy-buddying with Lucas, my cousin's boyfriend. Thetopic is centered on the challenges and lessons learned from datingChinese girls and handling Chinese food.
It's more pleasing to look at beautiful women rather than two guys drinking beers.
CHRIS在教小狗喝啤酒。Chris was teaching the little puppy drinking beers. Chris lovesdogs, even though the dog he prefers is a little bigger than that
美女和野獸 Happy couple - Beauty and beast!