周末在家折騰好吃好喝的。想來想去,幹脆做點Raspberry Mojito and 香腸芋餅吧。忙活著剪兩瓣新鮮的薄荷葉做裝飾。看看我的成品。象那麽一回事吧。看看近影。有點小小的得意。
It has been a long and hectic week at work. Every night was spent with the development team in India. Finally it's the Weekend and time to relax and have some fun and tasty drinks. Hmm...How about some Rasberry Mojito and Taro Cakes? It should be good.
1) Puree some frozen rasberry
2) Add some cranberry juice, some syrup, and minced mint leaves
3) Add a shot of rum
4) Add a little bit of Grand Manier
4) Give it a good shake for 10 seconds. Must be exact, not one second more, not one second less.
5) Cut a couple of mint leaves for decoration.
It was delicious and very presentable.
For more fun stuff, please visit http://guiyanggirl.blogspot.com