


(2009-01-13 03:33:59) 下一個









By Jean-Paul Wiest

During the late nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century, one of the striking differences between the work of Protestant and Roman Catholic missionaries in China was the greater emphasis placed by Protestants on developing Christian institutions of higher education. Catholic missionaries became mostly interested in the masses of China not in its intelligentsia.  It was not until around the time of the First Plenary Council held in Shanghai in 1924 that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church again began to attach importance to higher education, but by then rising nationalism made the opening of colleges under Western auspices very difficult.  In 1949, among the sixteen Christian colleges and universities in China only three belonged to the Roman Catholic denomination. Interestingly enough, Aurora (Zhendan) the oldest of the three, came into existence before the 1920s, pointing to the French Jesuits as a major exception within the generalized disregard of Catholic missionaries for higher education.  The story of how Aurora came into being is inherently linked to three eminent Chinese scholars Liang Qichao, Cai Yuanpei, and Ma Xiangbo.  Liang Qichao and Cai Yuanpei were strong supporters who view educational reform as the key to the much-needed modernization of China. Convinced that Ma Xiangbo possessed outstanding qualifications and shared their goals, they sought him and urged him to refine and concretize his ideas on schools.  Ma proved to be up to the task.  He not only envisioned a new type of school but turned his dream into a reality he called Aurora. 

In Ma’s mind, Aurora would be "a Western type of academy modified to fit the Chinese situation." It was an establishment for advanced education that would specialize in the translation of Western books necessary for the modernization of China and develop textbooks in sciences and liberal arts needed by Chinese universities. Yet Aurora in Ma's mind was not just another of those translation bureaus that had become so popular since the rise of the New Learning spirit in the 1860s.  To him as to a handful of other intellectuals like Liang Qichao, Cai Yuanpei and Yan Fu, translations of Western books meant more than bringing in new technologies and modern sciences, he meant opening up their country to a different vision of reality, new ideas and values. Aurora was much more than the marriage of two educational systems, one French and the other Chinese.  A strong connection with reform and revolutionary milieus was certainly one of its salient characteristics. It reflected Ma’s overall educational philosophy of saving the country by modernizing it.

Ma Xiangbo aspired to use Aurora as the showpiece that would spearhead the educational reform of China, and he wanted the French Jesuits to play a role in it.  Although he failed in this attempt, he remained an important player in the development of modern higher education in China.  Ma, far from being an ivory tower scholar who shunned political and social involvement, became a pioneer in the process of rebuilding and modernizing his country and he inspired many others to follow suit.

In this paper, I shed some light on Ma Xiangbo’s role as a promoter and artisan of a new educational system designed to bring China into the modern age. His ideas on education were probably too utopian but they were the sparks at the origin of three academic institutions still in existence today.  In many ways the life of Ma Xiangbo can be considered that of a pioneer and he best deserves this title for his ideas and endeavors, especially in education.  Long after he passed away, they motivated others to carry on with the task of reforming and improving the Chinese educational system and they continue to inspire us today.

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