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澳大利亞聯邦政府 2008 年 1 月 30 日 決定,以政府的名義向澳大利亞原住民正式道歉,這是工黨在贏得大選前的一項承諾,也是在有關人權報告建議政府向原住民道歉 10 多年後,澳大利亞政府第一次向原住民道歉。
2008 年 2 月 13 日 ,在澳洲第 42 屆國會第 2 日會議開始之際,澳大利亞總理陸克文 (Kevin Rudd) 就過去政府所犯的錯誤,向澳大利亞土著居民做出了曆史性道歉。
這是澳大利亞工黨政府繼 1970 年代執政時廢除“白澳政策”後,又一具有曆史性意義的舉措。這將成為澳洲進一步拆除種族歧視的樊籬、以共建民族和諧的多元文化社會的一個重要裏程碑。
回顧他們過去所受的不公平對待,特別是 “ 被偷走的一代 ” 之不幸遭遇,我們承認,這是國家曆史沾上汙點的一頁。現在,正是全體國民共同揭開澳洲曆史新一頁的時候了。我們必須反省和糾正過去的錯誤、滿懷信心走向未來。過去,曆屆國會及政府的法律和政策,造成了這批同胞深切的悲傷、巨大的苦楚和損失。我們為此道歉。
對 “ 被偷走的一代 ” 及其後代、家屬所蒙受的悲痛、苦楚和傷害,我們要說 “ 對不起 ” 。
對被拆散家庭和小區的父母、兄弟、姐妹們所受的痛苦,我們要說 “ 對不起 ” 。為由此引起一個自豪民族和自豪文化的尊嚴和體麵受到貶低,我們要說 “ 對不起 ” 。本屆澳洲國會滿懷敬意地懇求:請以協同促進全國和解的精神,接受今天這個道歉。
英文原文:The full apology:
I give notice that, at the next sitting, I will move:
That today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history. We reflect on their past mistreatment. We reflect in particular on the mistreatment of those who were Stolen Generations - this blemished chapter in our nation's history.
The time has now come for the nation to turn a new page in Australia's history by righting the wrongs of the past and so moving forward with confidence to the future.
We apologise for the laws and policies of successive Parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians.
We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country.
For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry.
To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry.
And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry.
We the Parliament of Australia respectfully request that this apology be received in the spirit in which it is offered as part of the healing of the nation. For the future we take heart; resolving that this new page in the history of our great continent can now be written.
We today take this first step by acknowledging the past and laying claim to a future that embraces all Australians. A future where this Parliament resolves that the injustices of the past must never, never happen again.
A future where we harness the determination of all Australians, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to close the gap that lies between us in life expectancy, educational achievement and economic opportunity.
A future where we embrace the possibility of new solutions to enduring problems where old approaches have failed.
A future based on mutual respect, mutual resolve and mutual responsibility.
A future where all Australians, whatever their origins, are truly equal partners, with equal opportunities and with an equal stake in shaping the next chapter in the history of this great country, Australia.
附:被偷走的一代(Stolen Generation)
“被偷走的一代”又稱為“被竊一代”、“失竊的一代”,是指澳洲白人政府於1910年至1970年間所實行的“同化政策”所影響的一代人。當時的政府認為,澳洲原住民“低賤無知”、“將會消失”,因此,強行將約共10萬名的原住民子女永久地送到白人家庭或政府機構照顧,以“白化”原居民,導致原居民兒童與父母長期分離。而在此期間,再加上當時不少白人家庭歧視原居民,往往虐打他們,以及強行迫使他們忘記其語言和文化,學習白人的生活方式和語言,或使之受到性侵犯、及缺乏受教育的機會,使到大部份的原居民受到歧視,在心理上受到極大傷害 。
1997年時,澳洲首次有議員要求當時的總理霍華德(John Howard)道歉,但他卻表示“這是上一代政府的錯”而拒絕道歉。直到2008年2月13日,陸克文總理履行在去年底大選時的承諾,於國會三度正式到向原居民表示歉意,並承諾會改善原住民的生活水平,如減低當地的幼兒夭折率,提高原區民的識字率和平均壽命等,此事才有了一個較為圓滿的結果。