0001 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Imperial Edicts. January 10, 1911. 4pp.
0005 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Plague in North China. February 1, 1911. 7pp.
0012 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Russian Protestations of Alleged Chinese Violations of the Sino-Russian Treaty. February 23, 1911. 11pp.
0023 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Russian Demands on China and Japanese Activities in Manchuria. February 23, 1911. 6pp.
0029 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-Russian Differences. February 28, 1911. 9pp.
0038 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Causes of the Sino-Russian Controversy. April 11, 1911. 9pp.
0047 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Establishment of an International Sanitary Commission. April 26, 1911. 10pp.
0057 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. History of Loan Negotiations. May 24, 1911. 24pp.
0081 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. May 25. 1911. 1p.
0082 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Transfer of Personnel. May 25, 1911. 2pp.
0084 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Miscellaneous Legation Affairs. May 27, 1911. 5pp.
0089 Telegram: Legation. Peking to State. May 29, 1911. 1p.
0090 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. May 30, 1911. 1p.
0091 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. French Note on the Protection of the Literary and Artistic Property in China. May 31, 1911. 4pp.
0095 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Hukuang Loan Agreement. June 2, 1911. 11pp.
0106 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Report on the Revolutionary Movement in South China. June 5, 1911. 4pp.
0100 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Memorial to the Throne. June 23, 1911. 43pp.
0153 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Abolition of the Grand Council and the Formation of a Cabinet. July 19, 1911. 12pp.
0165 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. July 19, 1911. 5pp.
0170 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Revised Regulations of the National Assembly. August 3, 1911. 3pp.
0173 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Japanese Encroachment in Manchuria. August 8, 1911. 2pp.
0175 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. New Courts of Justice at the Treaty Ports. August 18, 1911. 8pp.
0183 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The International Settlement at Antung. August 21, 1911. 3pp.
0186 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Joint Anglo-Russo-American Enterprise in Chinese Turkistan. August 24, 1911. 2pp.
0188 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Miscellaneous Legation Matters. August 25. 1911. 3pp.
0191 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. August 28, 1911. 1p.
0192 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. August 29, 1911. 1p.
0193 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. August 30, 1911. 1p.
0194 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. August 31, 1911. 1p.
0195 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. August 31, 1911. 1p.
0196 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Transmittal of Trade Reports. August 31, 1911. 3pp.
0199 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Disturbances in Szechuan. September 14, 1911. 14pp.
0213 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Revolution in the Yangtze Valley. October 26, 1911. 21pp.
0234 Telegram: Legation, Peking to State. November 7, 1911. 2pp.
0236 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Spread of the Revolution. November 9, 1911. 13pp.
0249 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The First Cabinet of Premier Yuan Shih-kai. November 22, 1911. 15pp.
0264 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Murder of Foreigners. December 4, 1911. 11pp.
0275 Despatch: Consul, Nanking to Legation, Peking. Affairs at Nanking. November 10, 1911. 19pp.
0294 Despatch: Consul, Nanking to Legation, Peking. Capture of Nanking. December 5, 1911. 5pp.
0299 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Imperial Edicts. December 13, 1911. 4pp.
0303 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Refugee Reports from Shansi and Shensi. December 23, 1911. 6pp.
0309 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Protocol Establishing the Tsungli Yamen. December 26, 1911. 9pp-
0318 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Strained Anglo-American Relations at Canton. December 29, 1911. 23pp.
0341 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. National Convention to Decide on a Monarchical or Republican Form of Government. January 6, 1912. 3pp.
0344 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Present Political and Military Situation. January 16, 1912. 6pp.
0350 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Request for a Republican Form of Government. February 3. 1912. 7pp.
0357 Despatch: Consul, Nanking to Legation, Peking. The Political Views of the Revolutionary Leaders. January 20, 1912.4pp.
0361 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Lawlessness in the Provinces Controlled by the Revolutionaries. Februarys, 1912.8pp.
0369 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Removal of the Capital to Nanking. February 9, 1912. 9pp.
0378 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Relations between Foreign Representatives in China. February 12, 1912. 11pp.
0389 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Executive Orders. February 16, 1912.
0394 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Abdication of the Emperor and the Election of Yuan Shih-kai as Provisional President. March 8, 1912. 8pp.
0402 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Inauguration of Yuan Shih-kai. March 14, 1912. 2pp.
0404 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Proclamation of Yuan Shih-kai. March 14, 1912. 7pp.
0411 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China. March 20,1912.9pp.
0420 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Opening of the National Council. May 6, 1912. 19pp.
0439 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. General Conditions. May 21, 1912. 16pp.
0455 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Strength of the Chinese Republican Forces. July 9, 1912. 5pp.
0460 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Agitation against Foreign Supervision of Finances in Szechuan. July 9, 1912. 5pp.
0465 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. The Pacification of Szechuan. August 2, 1912. 8pp.
0473 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Execution of Revolutionaries in Peking. August 31, 1912. 24pp.
0497 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Political Situation at Hankow. September 7, 1912. 6pp.
0503 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Uprising in Mongolia. September 10, 1912. 2pp.
0505 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. The Tibetan Crisis. September 20, 1912. 2pp.
0507 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. The Conquest of Tibet. September 20, 1912. 3pp.
0510 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Political Conditions at Hankow and the Riot at Wuchang. September 27, 1912. 6pp.
0516 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Political Conditions. September 29, 1912. 7pp.
0523 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. The Political Situation at Changsha. October 1, 1912. 18pp.
0542 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. The Political Situation at Hankow. October 14, 1912. 12pp.
0554 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. The Chinese Attitude towards Russian Aggression in Manchuria. October 31, 1912. 4pp.
0558 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. Political Developments. November 1, 1912. 21pp.
0579 Despatch: Consul. Chefoo to State. Political Conditions in Shantung. November 12, 1912. 9pp.
0588 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-Mongol Relations. November 12. 1912. 20pp.
0608 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Political Situation and Yuan Shih-kai. November 12, 1912. 11pp.
0619 Report: Republican Elections in Kiangsu. November 1912. 8pp.
0627 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. China and the Russo-Mongolian Convention. November 19, 1912. 7pp.
0634 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to State. Political Conditions in Manchuria and the Russo-Mongolian Convention. November 30, 1912. 6pp.
0640 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to State. Mongolia and the Ch'ang-Ch'un Conference. December 6, 1912. I Opp.
0650 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. The Mongol Uprising. August 26. 1912. 2pp.
0652 Despatch: Consul, Swatow to Legation, Peking. Looting of Chaoyang by Chinese Troops. August 26, 1912. 5pp.
0656 Letter: Legation, Peking to Consul, Swatow. Looting of Chaoyang. September 7, 1912. 1p.
0657 Despatch: Consul, Nanking to Legation. Peking. The Military Situation at Nanking. October 11, 1912. 4pp.
0658 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation. Peking. The Organization of the Hupei Army. October 23. 1912. 5pp.
0663 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. The Military Affairs in Hunan. October 8, 1912. 3pp.
0666 Despatch: Consul, Harbin to State. Russian Military Forces in North Manchuria. October 11, 1912. 7pp.
0673 Despatch: Consul, Nanking to Legation, Peking. Military Forces at Nanking Preparing for the Mongolian Expedition. November 27, 1912. 3pp.
0676 Despatch: Consul, Harbin to State. The Political Conditions in North Manchuria. February 10, 1913. 7pp.
0683 Despatch: Legation. Peking to Stale. Recognition of the Republic of China by the U.S. March 18. 1912. 7pp.
0690 Despatch: Legation, Peking to Hongkong. Recognition of the Republic of China. May 1. 1913. 1p.
0691 Memo: L'.S. Recognition of the Republic of China. May I. 1913. 2pp.
0693 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Comments on I'.S. Recognition. May 6. 1913. 6pp.
0699 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Comments on I'.S. Recognition. May 20, 1913. 14pp.
0713 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. European Recognition of the Republic of China. October 8. 1913. 3pp.
0716 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Elections. March I I . 1913. 14pp.
0730 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Political Agitation Resulting from the Assassination of Sung Chiao-jen. April 1.1913. 9pp.
0739 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. The Political Situation. April 11. 1913. 12pp.
0751 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Attempts by Sun Yat-sen to Overthrow the Government at Peking. May 16. 1913. 12pp.
0763 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. The Political Situation and Possible Rebellion. June 3, 1913. 9pp.
0772 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Northern Army Campaigns Against the Rebels. July 29. 1913. 9pp.
0781 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Japanese Activities in Connection with the Rebellion. August 15, 1913. 10pp.
0791 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Military Situation and the Fall of Nanking. September 12, 1913. 6pp.
0797 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Mandates Dissolving the Kuomintang Party. November 11, 1913. 10pp.
0807 Report: China's Constitution. November 1913. 9pp.
0816 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Interviews with High Chinese Officials. December 2, 1913. 13pp.
0829 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Political Situation. December 23, 1913. 20pp.
0849 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. The Political Situation in Szechuan. July 28, 1913. 8pp.
0857 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. Protection of American Interests in Chungking. July 31, 1913. 1p.
0858 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. Independence Declared by Chungking. August 5, 1913. 3pp.
0861 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. The Political Situation in Szechuan. September 27. 1913. 11pp.
0872 Memo: Assignment of Consuls in China. October 9, 1913. 6pp.
0878 Report: Military Information Concerning Amoy. January 18, 1913. 8pp.
0886 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to State. Arms and Ammunition. March 21, 1913. 4pp.
0890 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Location of Military Forces. November 14. 1913. 4pp.
0894 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. General Conditions in Mukden. January?, 1914. 6pp.
0900 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. The Political Affairs in Hunan. January 24, 1914. 3pp.
0903 Despatch: Consul, Canton to Legation, Peking. News Reports on the Situation in Canton. February 26, 1914. 11pp.
0914 Despatch: Consul, Nanking to Legation, Peking. The Political Conditions in the Nanking District. March 7, 1914.3pp.
0917 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Situation in China. March 16, 1914. 14pp.
093! Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Japanese Activities in Fukien. March 16. 1914. 5pp.
0936 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. Conditions in Szechuan. March 19, 1914. 4pp.
0940 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. The Tibetan Situation. March 21, 1914. 6pp.
0946 Despatch: Consul, Amoy to State. The Political Conditions in Amoy. April 6, 1914. 6pp.
0952 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to State. The Political Conditions in Hupei. May 8, 1914. 6pp.
0959 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Report on Finances in China. May 11, 1914. 6pp.
0965 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. The Present Situation. May 14, 1914. 8pp.
0973 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Alleged Activities of Japanese Agents. May 20. 1914. 5pp.
0978 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Attitude of Japan in Respect to the Situation in Fukien. May 26, 1914. 9pp.
0986 Despatch: Consul, Chefoo to State. The Political Conditions in Shantung. May 27, 1914. 4pp.
0990 Report: The Amended Provisional Constitution. May 14, 1914. 9pp.
REEL XV 第十五卷
0001 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Chinese Government. June 5, 1914. 21pp.
0022 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-Japanese Relations. June 12, 1914. 16pp.
0038 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. June 24, 1914. 13pp.
0051 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The International Situation in China. June 29, 1914. 14pp.
0065 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Development of Political Direction in the Chinese Government. July 2, 1914. 16pp.
0082 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Chinese Affairs and the Interests of the U.S. July 3, 1914. 9pp.
0091 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Sino-Japanese Incident near Ssupingkai. August 22, 1914. 3pp.
0094 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Sino-Japanese Relations in South Manchuria. August 27, 1914. 3pp.
0097 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Conditions at Shanghai Resulting from the European War. September 4, 1914. 7pp.
0104 Despatch: Consul, Amoy to State. The Political Conditions in Amoy. September 14, 1914. 7pp.
0111 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Peking. Notes on Manchurian Affairs. October 7, 1914. 6pp.
0117 Despatch: Consul, Canton to Legation, Peking. Conditions at Canton. October 16, 1914. 5pp.
0122 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to State. Political Conditions in Hankow. November 2, 1914. 6pp.
0128 Despatch: Consul, Chungking lo Legation, Peking. The Tibetan Situation. November 4, 1914. 7pp.
0135 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Rumoured Plots for the Restoration of the Manchu Dynasty. November 24, 1914. 14pp.
0149 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Japanese Attacks on Tsingtao and Shantung. November 28, 1914. 13pp.
0162 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Sino-Japanesc Situation in Tsingtao. December 22, 1914. 10pp.
0172 Despatch: Consul. Tientsin to Legation, Peking. The Withdrawal of Russian Troops from Tientsin. March 23, 1914. 3pp.
0175 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Japanese Military Forces in Manchuria. November 25, 1914. 4pp.
0179 Despatch: Consul, Tsingtao to Legation, Peking. The Transshipment of Munitions. June 3, 1914. 2pp.
0181 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Purchase of Military Supplies, in Manchuria, by the Japanese Military Command. September 17, 1914. 2pp.
0183 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation. Peking. American Weapons for the Hanyang Arsenal. January 22, 1914. 11pp.
0194 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Sino-Japanese Relations with Reference to South Manchuria. July 2, 1915. 8pp.
0202 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. The Arrest by Japanese Consular Police of Chinese Students. July 6, 1915. 6pp.
0208 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Chinese-Mongolian-Russian Agreement on Mongolia. July 17. 1915. 11pp.
0219 Despatch: Consul. Mukden to Legation. Peking. The Settlement of the Bomb-Throwing Incident. November 23. 1915. 5pp.
0224 Despatch: Consul. Mukden to Legation. Peking. Sino-Japanese Relations in South Manchuria.
December 6. 1915. 4pp.
0228 Despatch: Consul. Mukden to Legation. Peking. Notes on Manchurian Affairs. January 18, 1915. 8pp.
0236 Despatch: Consul. Chungking to Legation, Peking. Revolt among the Chinese Troops on the Tibetan Border. January 19. 1915. 4pp.
0240 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Japan's Movement forward in China. January 29, 1915. 6pp.
0246 Despatch: Consul. Shanghai to Legation. Peking. Japan's Policy in China. January 30. 1915. 2pp.
0248 Despatch: Consul. Shanghai to Legation. Peking. Japan's Demands on China. February 10. 1915. 2pp.
0250 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-Japanese Negotiations. February 10, 1915. 22pp.
0272 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-.Japanese Neogitations concerning Concessions. February 15. 1915. 12pp.
0284 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-German Agreement concerning the Railways in Shantung. February 15, 1915. 5pp.
0289 Despatch: Consul, Amoy to State. Japanese Activities in Amoy. February 18, 1915. 7pp.
0296 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Sino-Japanese Relations in North China. February 18. 1915. 2pp.
0298 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to State. Japan's Demands on China. February 20, 1915. 4pp.
0302 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation. Peking. The Futility of China's Tibetan Campaign. February 20, 1915. 14pp.
0316 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. American Missionary Groups in China and Japan's Demands on China. February 25, 1915. 6pp.
0322 Report: Plans of the Japanese Government in the Event of War between the U.S. and Japan. February 27, 1915. 8pp.
0330 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. American Missionary Groups in China and Japan's Demands on China. February 27, 1915. 5pp.
0335 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Sino-Japanese Relations in regard to South Manchuria and Mongolia. March 3. 1915. 6pp.
0341 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Sino-Japanese Crisis. March 5, 1915. 13pp.
0354 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-Japanese Negotiations. March 6, 1915. 10pp.
0364 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Japan's Demands on China—Alleged Secret Demands, Political Exigencies, and the Possibility of a Boycott. March 9, 1915. 4pp.
0368 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. Revolt among Chinese Troops along the Tibetan Border. March 10, 1915. 2pp.
0370 Despatch: Consul, Tsingtao to State. Increase in Japanese M Hilary Preparations. March 20, 1915. 2pp.
0372 Despatch: Consul, Tsingtao, to State. Supplemental Information on Japanese Military Preparations. March 22, 1915. 2pp.
0374 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation. Peking. Sino-Japanese Relations and South Manchuria. March 22, 1915. 6pp.
0380 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. The Political Conditions in South Manchuria. March 25, 1915. 5pp.
0385 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Conditions Resulting from Japan's Demands on China—Anti-Japanese Boycott. March 26, 1915. 4pp.
0389 Despatch: Consul, Foochow to Legation, Peking. Growth of Anti-Japanese Feeling. March 27, 1915. 2pp.
0391 Despatch: Consul, Amoy to State. Anti-Japanese Sentiment. March 27, 1915. 8pp.
0399 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Attempted Mutiny in Honan. April 1, 1915. 3pp.
0402 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-Japanese Negotiations. April 5, 1915. 24pp.
0426 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Rights of Residence in South Manchuria. April 5, 1915. 6pp.
0432 Despatch: Consul, Amoy to State. Anti-Japanese Sentiment. April 12, 1915. 8pp.
0440 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Japan's Political and Military Activity in South Manchuria. April 20, 1915. 10pp.
0450 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation. Report of Another Revolutionary Movement Headed by Sun Yat-sen. April 23, 1915. 4pp.
0498 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Sino-Japanese Negotiations. May 4, 1915. 22pp.
0520 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Ultimatum in the Sino-Japanese Negotiations. May 17, 1915. 52pp.
0572 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. Arrival of the New Governor with Northern Troops. June 2, 1915. 2pp.
0574 Despatch: Consul, Swatow to Legation, Peking. Disbanded Troops. June 10. 1915. 3pp.
0577 Despatch: Consul, Swatow to Legation, Peking. The Work of the Defense Commissioner. June 28. 1915. 3pp.
0580 Despatch: Legation Peking to State. The Impeachments of Chinese Officials. August 6. 1915. 13pp.
0593 Despatch: Consul, Canton to Legation, Peking. Attempted Assassination of General Lung Chi Kwang. August 21, 1915. 2pp.
0595 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Attempted Assassination of Admiral Tseng. August 21, 1915. 1p.
0596 Despatch: Consul, Swatow to Legation, Peking. Active Measures Taken Against Revolutionaries. August 30, 1915. 2pp.
0598 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Rumours in Favor of the Restoration of the Monarchical Form of Government in China. September 7, 1915. 55pp.
0653 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Assassination of Admiral Tseng. November 12, 1915. 6pp.
0659 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Monarchical Movement. November 12, 1915. 3pp.
0662 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Political Disturbances in Shanghai. December 7. 1915. 7pp.
0669 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. Attempted Political Uprising at Shanghai. December 9, 1915. 11pp.
0680 Despatch: Consul, Shanghai to Legation, Peking. American Naval Forces in the Yangtze Valley. December 17, 1915. 7pp.
0687 Despatch: Consul, Harbin to Legation, Peking. Departure of the Manchurian Railway Guards for War in Europe. February 24, 1915. 3pp.
0690 Despatch: Consul, Harbin to Legation, Peking. Movements of Military Trains and Troops in North Manchuria. February 27, 1915. 18pp.
0708 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Mobilization of Russian Troops in the Zone of the Chinese Eastern Railway. September 21, 1915. 5pp.
0713 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. Sino-Japanese Relations in South Manchuria the Chengchiatu Incident. August 18, 1916. 6pp.
0719 Despatch: Consul. Mukden to Legation, Peking. The Chengchiatu Incident. August 26, 1916. 3pp.
0722 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to Legation, Peking. The Mongolian Uprising. September 6, 1916. 5pp.
0727 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Treaties: 1912-1916. October 27, 1916. 10pp.
0737 Despatch. Consul, Foochow to Legation, Peking. Change in the Existing Form of Government. January 6, 1916. 2pp.
0739 Despatch: Consul. Changsha to Legation, Peking. The Political Conditions in Hunan. January 11, 1916. 8pp.
0747 Despatch: Consul, Swatow to Legation. Peking. The Execution of Revolutionaries at Swatow. January 11. 1915. 2pp.
0749 Despatch: Consul. Foochow to Legation. Peking. The Political and Social Conditions in Foochow. January 12. 1916. 6pp.
0755 Despatch: Consul. Hankow to Legation. Peking. Political Conditions. February 21. 1916. 6pp.
0761 Despatch: Consul, Canton to State. The Political Conditions in South China. April 12. 1916. 13pp.
0774 Despatch: Consul, Changsha to Legation, Peking. The Political Conditions in Hunan. May 9. 1916. 5pp.
0779 Despatch: Consul, Changsha to Legation, Peking. Independence of Hunan. May 30. 1916. 11pp.
0790 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation. Peking. Political Conditions following the Death of President Yuan Shih-kai. June 7. 1916. 2pp.
0792 Despatch. Consul, Changsha to Legation. Peking. The Political Conditions in Hunan. July 26. 1916. 9pp.
0801 Despatch: Consul. Hankow to Legation. Peking. Harbouring of Revolutionaries in Japan's Concessions and the Political Conditions in Central China. August 1. 1916. 7pp.
0808 Despatch: Consul, Canton to Legation. Peking. The Political Conditions in Kwangtung. December 2l, 1916. 9pp.
0817 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. The Organization of the Government. February 24, 1916. 5pp.
0822 Despatch: Legation. Peking to Stale. Convocation of the Old Parliament. March 9. 1916. 15pp.
0837 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. The Organization of the Government. April 28. 1916. 10pp.
0847 Despatch: The Political Situation. December 13. 1916. 5pp.
0852 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Chinese Protest Against the German Submarine Warfare Policy. February 14, 1917. 35pp.
0887 Despatch: Consul, Changsha to Legation. Peking. Severance of Relations with Germany. April 2. 1917. 3pp.
0890 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Conversations with the President and the Premier of China. June 14, 1917. 19pp.
0909 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Japanese Interests in China. October 26. 1917. 13pp.
0922 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. The Political Situation. January 26. 1917. 13pp.
0935 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. Japanese Intrigues in Shantung and Mongolia. May 7. 1917. 2pp.
0937 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. The Situation in Canton. November 17. 1917. 2pp.
0939 Despatch: Legation. Peking to State. The Resignation of the Premier and His Cabinet. November 20, 1917. 6pp.
0945 Despatch: Consul, Harbin to Legation. Peking. Russian Plan for Organizing a Military1 Force at Harbin with Allied Assistance. January 16, 1918. 18pp.
0963 Despatch: Consul. Amoy to Legation. Peking. The Northern Army's Retreat toward Amoy. September 3. 1918. 5pp.
0968 Despatch: Consul, Antung to Legation, Peking. Conditions in Southeastern Manchuria. September 7. 1918. 3pp.
0971 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Quarterly Report on the Situation in China. November 29. 1918. 32pp.