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0001 Report: Inner Mongolia and the Problems of Revolutionary Work. December 1925. 49pp.

0049 Report: Brief Sketch of the History of the Chinese Communist Party. N.D. 65pp.

0114 Report: Political Declaration of the Chinese Communist Party. January 26, 1927. 5pp.

0119 Report: Resolution of the Chinese Communist Party on the Mongolian Question. N.D. 2pp.

0121 Report: The Communistic Movement of Youth in China. 1927. 11pp.

0132 Report: Present Trend of the Chinese Communist Party. December 17, 1927. 4pp.

0136 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Captured Russian Documents. December 22, 1927. 1p

0137 Report: Counterespionage Work in Kwangtung. November 1925. 14pp.

0151 Report: The Chinese Navy. February 3, 1926. 57pp.

0208 Report: Communism in China. November 5, 1930. 3pp.

0211 Report: Comment on Communism in Honan. November 26, 1930. 4pp.

0215 Report: Bolshevism in the Far East. April 9, 1931. 6pp.

0221 Report: Resume of Communist Activities in China as Viewed from Moscow. December 29, 1931. 4pp.

0225 Report: Present Trend of the Nationalist Government's Attitude toward Communism. September 13, 1932. 3pp.

0228 Report: The Communist Situation in China. August 30, 1932. 7pp.

0235 Report: The Land Allotment Ordinance. September 17, 1932. 3pp.

0238 Report: The Communist Suppression Campaign in Kiangsi. June 22, 1933. 3pp.

0241 Report: The Present Trend of the Chinese Communist Party and the Formation of the Red Armies. January 29, 1936. 12pp.

0253 Report: Recent Developments in the Communist Situation in China. November 20, 1936. 5pp.

0258 Report: The Military Organization of the Communist-Bandit Forces in China. January 30, 1936. 3pp.

0261 Report: Speech by Chiang Kai-shek on the Sian Coup. December 25, 1936. 6pp.

0267 Despatch: Consul, Nanking to State. The Sian Revolt. January 12. 1937. 19pp.

0286 Report: The Chinese Communists and the Sian Revolt. June 30, 1937. 12pp.

0298 Report: Socialism, Radicalism, and Communism—The Chinese Communist Organization. January 14, 1937. 7pp.

0305 Letter: Military Attache, Chungking to Washington. Relations between the National Government and the Chinese Communists. December 31, 1940. 12pp.

0317 Letter: Military Attache, Chungking to Washington. Relations between the National Government and the Chinese Communists. December 2, 1940. 4pp.

0321 Letter: Military Attache, Chungking to Washington. Relations between the National Government and the Chinese Communists. March 11, 1940. 3pp.

0324 Report: American Publicity in China. June 13, 1925. 5pp.

0329 Report: Minutes of a Conference of Representatives of Outports by the Constitutional Defense League. May 1926. 13pp.

0342 Report: The Attitude of China toward the Japanese and Other Foreigners. July 3, 1925. 2pp.

0344 Report: The Present Political Situation in China. June 22, 1925. 8pp.

0352 Report: Analysis of the Present Situation in China. July 15, 1925. 4pp.

0356 Report: The Situation in China—the Shanghai Incident. August 7, 1925. 7pp.

0363 Report: Anti-Foreign Feeling and the Attitudes of Great Britain, Japan, and Soviet Russia. September 14, 1925. 8pp.

0372 Report: The Report of the Commission for the Investigation of the Shakee Massacre. June 23, 1925. 47pp.

0419 Report: Soviet Plots Against the Life of Chang Tso-lin. October 8, 1925. 1 p.

0420 Report: Martial Law Regulations. December 1, 1925. 1p.

0421 Letter: Military Attache, Honolulu to Washington. Article Entitled: "Another World Conflict Under Preparation in Chinese Territory by the Japanese and the Russians." December 8, 1925. 19pp.

0440 Report: International Trains. January 8, 1926. 8pp.

0448 Report: The Taku Incident. March 24, 1926. 6pp.

0454 Letter Military Attache, Peking to Washington. The Taku Incident. March 17, 1926. 2pp.

0456 Report: Chinese Interference with Shipping between Tientsin and Tangku. March 11, 1926. 2pp.

0458 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Present Prospects of the Peking Government. November 2, 1926. 9pp.

0467 Report: The Chinese Legal System—the Chinese Government and the Commission on Extraterritoriality. June 7, 1926. 4pp.

0471 Letter: Military Attache, Tokyo to Washington. Conditions in Outer Mongolia. July 10, 1926. 8pp.

0479 Report: The Brutality of Bandits. May 23. 1927. 1p.

0480 Report: Banditry in China. July 7. 1926. .3pp.

0483 Report: Proposed French Policy. May 18. 1927. 1p.

0484 Report: French Policies in China. January 6. 1927. 1p.

0485 Report: French International Relations. July 28, 1926. 3pp.

0488 Report: The Soviets in Mongolia. December 27. 1933. 5pp.

0493 Report: Situation in the Three Mongolias. March 29. 1933. 4pp.

0497 Report: Russo-Japanese Relations with Mongolia. April 25, 1932. 1p.

0498 Report: Outer Mongolia as a Soviet Military Base. January 5. 1932. 4pp.

0502 Report: Reported Soviet-Mongolian Military Agreement. December 15, 1931. 1p.

0503 Report: Soviet-Mongolian Military Agreement. October 29, 1926. 2pp.

0505 Report: Chinese Activities and Societies Concerned with Chinese Matters in San Francisco. December 21. 1926. 7pp.

0512 Report: The Policies of the National Government. December 2. 1926. 5pp.

0517 Report: The Organization of the Kuomintang Government. February 11, 1927. 3pp.

0520 Report: The Organization of the Kuomintang Government. April 1, 1927. 3pp.

0523 Report: The Kuomintang Government. April 5. 1927. 3pp.

0526 Report: The Kuomintang Government at Nanking. June 24. 1927. 2pp.

0528 Report: The Organic Law of the National Government of the Republic of China. October 9, 1928. 3pp.

0531 Report: The Personnel of the New National Government. October 24, 1928. 2pp.

0533 Report: The text of the Organic Law of the National Government of the Republic of China. October 9. 1928. 33pp.

0566 Report: Statement by Chiang Kai-shek to All Kuomintang Members. March 28. 1929. 2pp.

0568 Report: Personnel of the Kuomintang Central Committee and the National Government. July 7. 1930. 26pp.

0594 Report: The Decline of the Kuomintang. September 25. 1935. 7pp.

0601 Report: The Executive Personnel of the National Government. December 30, 1935. 3pp.

0604 Report: Important Officials in the Chinese National and Provincial Governments. May 21. 1937. 5pp.

0609 Report: The Sixth National Kuomintang Congress. April 7. 1938. 4pp.

0613 Report: The Chinese Internal Situation and Its Relation to China's International Affairs. December 11, 1926. 3pp.

0616 Report: Chinese-British Relations. December 25. 1926. 11pp.

0627 Report: Chinese-British Relations and the Tariff Conference. May 28. 1926. 4pp.

0631 Report: Anti-Foreignism and Chinese Nationalism. October 1926. 12pp.

0643 Report: American Treaties with China. June 1926. 5pp.

0648 Report: The Policies of the National Government. March 30. 1927. 2pp.

0650 Letter: Legation. Peking to Washington. Japan and Chinese Nationalism. March 30. 1927. 3pp.

0653 Report: The Chinese Radical Movement in Siam. April 6, 1927. 3pp.

0656 Report: Russia and the Chinese Nationalist Movement. April 15. 1927. 18pp.

0674 Report: Attitude of the Chinese toward America and Americans. June 8, 1927. 2pp.

0676 Report: Chang Tso-lin's Government at Peking. June 24,. 1927. 2pp.

0678 Report: Article Entitled: "Yang Yu-ting Seeks Justice from American Opinion" August 10. 1927. 3pp.

0681 Report: Message of Madame Sun Yat-sen to the Berlin Congress. April 28. 1929. 1p.

0682 Letter: Military Attache. Peking to Washington. Madame Sun Yat-sen as a Russian Propagandist. September 26, 1927. 3pp.

0685 Letter: Military Attache, Honolulu to Washington. Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek. November 5. 1927. 2pp.

0687 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Feng Yu-hsiang. November 23, 1929. 5pp.

0692 Letter: Military Attache. Peking to Washington. Feng Yu-hsiang. December 23, 1927. 5pp.

0697 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Observations on the Political Situation of the

Nationalist Government at Nanking. March 8. 1928. 4pp.

0701 Report: The Text of the Pact between China and Japan. June 20, 1928. 1p.

0702 Report: The Manchurian Situation. June 18, 1928. 2pp.

0704 Report: German Aspirations in China. June 12, 1928. 3pp.

0707 Letter: Military Attache, Belgrade to Washington. Employment of Colonel Bauer of Germany by the Chinese Government. November 5, 1928. 3pp.

0710 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. German Officers in China. June 9, 1929. 3pp.

0713 Report: German Advisors to Chiang Kai-shek. March 7, 1930. 3pp.

0716 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. German Economic Aspirations in China. March 8. 1929. 3pp.

0719 Report: German Military-Economic Mission Employed by Chiang Kai-shek. February 27, 1933. 9pp.

0728 Report: Feng Yu-hsiang and His Administration of Honan. June 14, 1928. 4pp.

0732 Report: The New Government of Manchuria. August 8, 1928. 5pp.

0737 Report: The Organization of the Provincial Governments. April 9, 1929. 2pp.

0739 Report: The Present Manchurian Government. July 23, 1930. 2pp.

0741 Report: The Outer Mongolian Government. July 23, 1930. 4pp.

0745 Report: The New Provincial Leaders in Peking and Tientsin. October 7, 1930. 2pp.

0747 Report: Manchuria in Perspective. October 30. 1930. 3pp.

0750 Report: The Leading Personalities of the Provincial and Municipal Governments. August 14. 1935. 2pp.

0752 Report: The Political Divisions in China. December 13, 1935. 5pp.

0757 Report: The Fifth Plenary Session of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee. August 16. 1928. 5pp.

0762 Report: Supplemental Information on the Fifth Plenary Session of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee. August 29, 1928. 3pp.

0765 Report: The Third National Congress. March 29, 1929. 7pp.

0772 Report: The Fourth Plenary Session of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee. December 12, 1930. 4pp.

0776 Report: The Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang. January 5, 1932. 9pp.

0785 Report: The Second Plenary Session of the Kuomintang Congress. March 15, 1932. 1p.

0786 Report: The Second Plenary Session of the Fourth Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang. April 14, 1932. 3pp.

0789 Report: Chinese Personalities. October 18, 1928. 4pp.

0793 Report: Chinese Personalities. December 27, 1930. 5pp.

0798 Report: Chinese Personalities. September 19, 1933. 10pp.

0808 Report: Biography of General Chang Chih-chung. January 3, 1934. 2pp.

0810 Report: Biography of General Shang Chen. April 5, 1934. 3pp.

0813 Report: Biography of General Ho Ying-chin. September 13, 1934. 3pp.

0816 Report: Biography of General Yu Hsueh-chung. October 25, 1934. 3pp.

0819 Report: Biography of General Chang Hsueh-liang. December 3, 1934. 4pp.

0823 Report: Biography of General Sung Che-yuan. February 13. 1935. 3pp.

0826 Report: Biography of General Ho Chu-kuo. March 28, 1935. 2pp.

0828 Report: Biography of General Li Chi-shen (Li Chai-Sum). July 16, 1935. 3pp.

0831 Report: Biography of General Huang Shao-hsiung. July 31, 1935. 4pp.

0835 Report: List of New Lieutenant Generals. January 30, 1936. 4pp.

0839 Report: Biography of General Ch-en Ming-shu. April 21, 1936. 3pp.

0842 Report: Biography of General Wu T'ieh-ch'eng. March 23, 1936. 4pp.

0846 Letter: Washington to Military Attache, Peking. Revision of the "Who's Who" File for China. January 9, 1941. 12pp.

0858 Report: List of Party Central Officials. April 10, 1929. 1p.

0859 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. List of Party and Government Officials. November 21, 1928. 12pp.

0872 Report: The Texts of Sino-Foreign Treaties of 1928. N.D. 30pp.


0001 Report: The Chinese Situation as It Affects the U.S. Army Troops in Tientsin. March 1. 1929. 13pp.

0013 Report: Impressions of the Nanking Government. June 11, 1929. 8pp.

0021 Report: The Burial Ceremonies of Sun Yat-sen. June 9. 1929. 2pp.

0023 Report: The Soviet Ultimatum. July 19. 1929. 4pp.

0027 Report: Recent Sino-Soviet Difficulties over the Chinese Eastern Railway. July 26. 1929. 21pp.

004X Report: Pro- and Anti-Russian Agitation in Shanghai. August 8. 1929. 4pp.

0052 Report: Probable Developments in the Sino-Russian Dispute. November 4, 1929. 6pp.

0058 Report: Mr. Wang's Unscrupulous Diplomacy. December 4, 1929. 3pp.

0061 Report: The Situation in Manchuria. February 13, 1930. 11pp.

0072 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Mr. Kinney's Article on Manchuria. March 20. 1930. 8pp.

0080 Report: The Moscow Conference. April 15. 1931. 3pp.

0083 Report: List of Chinese Holidays and Memorial Days. October 21. 1930. 1p.

0084 Report: List of Holidays for Laborers in Factories. February 27. 1930. 1p.

0085 Letter: Military Attache. Peking to Washington. Chinese Holidays and Memorial Days. July 17, 1929. 2pp.

0087 Report: Criticism of the New Press Law. September 19. 1935. 4pp.

0091 Report: The Press Law of the National Government of China. January 27, 1931. 6pp.

0097 Report: Press Regulations. September 10. 1929. 1p.

0098 Letter: Military Attache. Peking to Washington. Statement Relative to the Formation of the New Government. May 6, 1930. 5pp.

0103 Report: Sino-Frcnch Treaty regarding Relations with Indochina. July 30. 1935. 5pp.

0108 Report: Anti-Japanese Propaganda Chinese School Song. November 14. 1930. 4pp.

0112 Report: List of Newspaper Correspondents in Peking. March 18. 1931. 3pp.

0115 Report: Foreign Newspaper Correspondents. December 15. 1930. 2pp.

0117 Report: Temporary Regulations Governing the Suppression of Bandits by the National Army. February 10. 1931. 3pp.

0120 Report: Regulations Governing Bandits.Suppression. January 26. 1931. 5pp.

0125 Despatch: Consul. Shanghai to Legation. Peking. Report of Mr. Justice Feetham to the Municipal Council of Shanghai. July 22. 1931. 63pp.

0188 Report: The Fengtien Provincial Government. February 15, 1932. 6pp.

0194 Report: Report of Activities in the Far East, .July 7. 1932. 25pp.

0219 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Report on the Plan for the Administration of the Shanghai Area. May 25, 1932. 9pp.

0228 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Chinese Official Opinion concerning the American Attitude toward the Present Sino-Japanese Difficulties. January 16. 1933. 9pp.

0237 Report: Trip to Honan to Seek the Release of Two Missionaries. July 11. 1932. 3pp.

0240 Report: The Anti-Civil War League. September 23. 1932. 2pp.

0242 Report: A Manchukuo Envoy in Europe. November 3. 1932. 4pp.

0246 Report: Booklet Entitled: Japan and the Next World War. 1927. 31pp.

0277 Report: The National People's Convention. January 28. 1931. 6pp.

0283 Report: The National People's Convention. March 11. 1931. 4pp.

0287 Report: The National People's Convention. April 14. 1931. 2pp.

0289 Report: The Provisional Constitution. May 20. 1931. 9pp.

0298 Report: The National People's Convention. May 23. 1931. 5pp.

0303 Report: The Organic Law of the National Government. July 18. 1931. 2pp.

0305 Report: The Revised Organic Law of the National Government. April 12. 1932. 6pp.

0311 Report: New Draft Constitution. August 31, 1934. 9pp.

0320 Report: Revised Draft Constitution of the Republic of China. May 15. 1936. 15pp.

0335 Report: The National Civil Affairs Conference. January 29. 1931. 3pp.

0338 Report: The General Amnesty of January I, 1931. January 30. 1931. I p.

0340 Report: The Organic Law of the Central Executive Committee. April 11, 1932. 2pp.

0342 Report: Changes in the Titles of Party and Government Bodies. February I I , 1931. 2pp.

0344 Report: Disciplinary Law for Officials. April 14, 1931. 3pp.

0347 Report: The Functioning of the Control Yuan. April 11, 1931. 2pp.

0349 Report: New Passport Regulations. May 13, 1931. 3pp.

0352 Report: The "New Life" Movement. August 29, 1934. 15pp.

0367 Report: Chinese Personalities under the Control of the Japanese. February 25, 1935. 5pp.

0372 Report: Sino-Mongol Relations. March 28, 1935. 3pp.

0375 Report: Sino-Mongol Relations. July 17, 1936. 6pp.

0381 Report: Chinese Colonization of Mongol Land. June 27, 1935. 6pp.

0387 Report: The Government of Inner Mongolia—Second Meeting of the Mongolian Political Council. June 18, 1935. 10pp.

0397 Report: The Sino-British Boundary Dispute. April 20, 1935. 9pp.

0406 Report: The System of Government in the Southwestern Provinces. October 4, 1935. 5pp.

0411 Report: Nanking Approaches to Li Tsung-jen. January 30, 1936. 2pp.

0413 Report: The Political Relations between Canton and Nanking. January 13, 1936. 3pp.

0416 Report: The Conditions in Kwangsi Province. May 5, 1936. 8pp.

0424 Report: Education—the Central Political Institute. December 16, 1935. 3pp.

0427 Report: Remarks of Dr. Hu Shih on Sino-Japanese Relations. February 26, 1936. 5pp.

0432 Report: Sino-American Relations. February 27, 1936. 2pp.

0434 Report: The Activities of the Hsin Min Hui. March 8, 1939. 4pp.

0438 Report: The Hsin Min Hui. October 12, 1938. 4pp.

0442 Report: Conditions in Hongkong, New British Territory, and Macao. October 14, 1939. 5pp.

0447 Report: Hongkong. June 20, 1940. 6pp.

0453 Memo: Military Projects Against Great Britain, America, and the Soviet Union. October 5, 1940. 9pp.

0462 Report: Soviet Aid to China. October 1, 1937. 3pp.

0465 Report: The Soviet-Chinese Non-Aggression Treaty. September 2, 1937. 4pp.

0469 Report: Japanese Foreign Relations with the Soviet Union. October 13, 1937. 5pp.

0474 Report: Press Reports on China and Japan. December 1919. 10pp.

0484 Memo: Japanese-Chinese Relations at the Peace Conference. November 30, 1918. 9pp.

0493 Letter Military Attache, Peking to Washington. February 7, 1921. 18pp.

0511 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. George Bronson Rea of the Far Eastern Review. June 4, 1920. 48pp.

0559 Letter: Military Attache, Manila to Washington. George Bronson Rea and Chinese Affairs. December 27, 1919. 36pp.

0595 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Summary of Information regarding Individuals Suspected of Pacifism, Disloyalty, and Pro-German Activity. April 4, 1919. 73pp.

0668 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Summary of the Situation in China. August 28, 1918. 22pp.

0690 Report: Anti-American Propaganda by the Japanese Press in China. April 28, 1919. 6pp.

0696 Report: Anti-American Propaganda by the Japanese Press in China. April 3, 1919. 5pp.

0701 Letter: Galbraith to McKenney. America and Its Policy in China. June 2, 1920. 17pp.

0718 Report: Brief of a Paper on Japanese Activities and Chinese Political Conditions in Shantung. June 4, 1920. 18pp.

0736 Letter. Military Attache, Peking to Washington. The Chinese Internal Peace Conference. December 28, 1918. 29pp.

0765 Report: Japanese Interception of the Korean Royal Prince on His Way to China. November 1919. 1p.

0766 Report: Newspaper Articles Concerning the Situation in China. November 1919. 22pp.

0788 Report: Newspaper Articles Concerning China, Japan and Mongolia. December 1919. 8pp.

0796 Report: Newspaper Articles Concerning the Internal Situation. December 1919. 7pp.

0803 Report: Newspaper Articles Concerning Aerial Flight in China. December 1919. 2pp.

0805 Report: Newspaper Articles Concerning Japan and Soviet Russia. 1920. 15pp.

0820 Report: Passport Control. August 2, 1918. 2pp.

0822 Report: Conditions at Shanghai. August 12, 1918. 3pp.

0825 Circular: Photographs of Visa Applicants. September 23, 1918. 1p.

0826 Circular: Availability of Information on Newspapers. September 23, 1918. 1p.

0827 Circular: Passports Issued by Polish Societies. September 23, 1918. 1p.

0828 Circular: Observance of the Espionage Act by Missionaries. October 3, 1918. 2pp.

0830 Report: Summary of Events in Various Consular Districts. September 28. 1918. 22pp.

0852 Letter: To Legation, Peking. Establishment of a Clearinghouse for Intelligence. October 4, 1918. 8pp.

0860 Report: Need for Bureau of Intelligence in China. December 3. 1918. 2pp.

0862 Report: Proposed Intelligence Service in China. January 17, 1919. 5pp.

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