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0001 Report: The Organization of the Chinese Army. August 5, 1937. 13pp.

0014 Report: Chinese Personalities. November 7, 1928. 6pp.

0020 Report: Militarist Tendencies in China. October 19, 1928. 7pp.

0027 Report: The Disbandmem of Chinese Troops and the Stability of the Civil Government. December 13. 1928. 7pp.

0034 Report: National Military Reorganization and the Disbandment Conference. February 12, 1929. 24pp.

0058 Report: The Second National Military Reorganization and Disbandment Conference. August 15. 1929. 10pp.

0068 Memo: The Officer's Moral Endeavor Association. February 14, 1930. 14pp.

0082 Report: Laws Governing Trial and Adjudication in the Army, Navy and Aeronautic Forces. May 20, 1931. 25pp.

0107 Report: The Joint Responsibility Law. July 23,  1931. 2pp.

0109 Report: Miscellaneous Military Notes: Communist Activities. April 10, 1929. 2pp.

0111 Report: Miscellaneous Military Notes: March 25, 1929. 3pp.

0114 Report: Miscellaneous Military Notes: March 12, 1929. 4pp.

0118 Report: Miscellaneous Military Notes: February 27, 1929. 4pp.

0122 Report: Observations on the Manchurian Cavalry Organization and Training. January 4. 1932. 4pp.

0126 Memo: Study on the Chinese Army. March 7, 1932. 19pp.

0145 Memo: Observations on the 19th Route Army. June 9, 1932. 4pp.

0149 Memo: Report by an Observer with the 19th Route Army. May 26, 1932. 19pp.

0168 Report: The Communist Forces of the Soviet Republican Government of China. July 7, 1932. 3pp.

0171 Report: The Military Affairs Commission of the National Government. July 19, 1932. 2pp.

0173 Report: The Canton Government's Expenditures. October 11, 1932. 2pp.

0175 Report: Estimate of the Fighting Value of the Chinese Soldier. March 3, 1933. 3pp.

0178 Report: Transfer of the 5th Regiment of the Ministry of Finance Customs Preventive Troops (Salt Troops) to Tsingtao. June 12, 1937. 4pp.

0182 Report: The Organization of the Salt Troops. July 3, 1933. 2pp.

0184 Report: Chiang Kai-shek and the Organization of the Military Affairs Commission. March 11, 1935. 9pp.

0193 Report: National Defense Policy—The Conscription Law. March 11, 1936. 5pp.

0198 Report: The Biography of General Lung Yun. October 28, 1940. 3pp.

0201 Report: The Biography of K. P. Chen. September 30, 1940. 3pp.

0204 Report: The Biography of General Fu Tso-yi. September 30, 1940. 2pp.

0206 Report: The Biography of General Hsueh Yueh. August 22, 1940. 2pp.

0208 Report: The Biography of General Lu Han. August 22, 1940. 2pp.

0210 Report: The Biography of General Lu Chung-lin. June 6, 1940. 2pp.

0212 Report: The Biography of Mr. Shao Li-tzu. June 6, 1940. 2pp.

0214 Report: The Biography of General Wei Li-huang. May 1, 1940. 2pp.

0216 Report: The Biography of General Ma Pu-fang. April 4, 1940. 2pp.

0218 Report: The Biography of General Yu Han-mou. April 3, 1940. 2pp.

0220 Report: The Biography of General Sheng Shih-tsai. January 5, 1940. 2pp.

0222 Report: The Biography of General Yeh Ting. January 23, 1940. 2pp.

0224 Report: Marshal Chiang Kai-shek. July 6, 1934. 6pp.

0230 Report: The Organization of the Special Training Battalion at Nanking. February 13, 1935. 7pp.

0237 Report: Appointment of General Officers. April 23. 1935. 6pp.

0243 Report: Inspection of Units of the 32nd Army. May 22, 1935. 6pp.

0249 Report: Notes Submitted by the German Military Advisors to the Chinese Government. April 27, 1939. 30pp.

0279 Report: Effectiveness of the German Military Advisors of the Nanking Government. November 10, 1936. 4pp.

0283 Report: Criticism of Military Tactics and Operations. March 29, 1939. 3pp.

02X6 Memo: Training Activities of the Chinese Army near Chungking. August 1, 1940. 6pp.

0292 Report: Conventional Signs for Army Troops. February 2, 1941. 37pp.

0329 Report: List of Shantung Factories and Workshops within Japanese Jurisdiction. May 1, 1921. 30pp.

0360 Memo: Report on the Capacity and Product of the Main Arsenal at Mukden. September 27, 1926. 4pp.

0364 Report: The Arsenals at Canton and Swabue. March 30, 1926. 4pp.

0368 Report: The Stokes Mortar and Ammunition Factory at Mukden. November 20, 1923. 7pp.

0375 Report: The Hanyang Iron and Steel Works. July 23, 1926. 5pp

0380 Report: Coal Importations into the Hankow District. August 25, 1926. 1p.

0381 Report: The Yunnanfu Arsenal. May 16. 1934. 3pp.

0384 Report: The Shantung Arsenal at Tsinan. November 7. 1933. 3pp.

0387 Report: The Re-opening of the Mukden Arsenal and the Japanese. January 25, 1933. 4pp.

0391 Report: The Chungking Arsenal. May 19. 1932. I p.

0392 Report: The Taiyuanfu Arsenal. December 10. 1930. 3pp.

0396 Report: Arsenals in General. July 28, 1930. 2pp.

0398 Report: Additional Reports on Various Arsenals. July 28. 1930. 11pp.

0409 Report: Chinese Arsenal Activities. April 30, 1930. 1p.

0410 Letter: Washington to Military Attache, Peking. Data on Chinese Arsenals. March 15, 1930. 6pp.

0416 Report: The Mukden French Mortar Arsenal. March 8. 1930. 1p.

0417 Report: The Mukden Arsenal. March 10. 1930. 6pp.

0423 Report: The Hanyang Arsenal. April 5. 1929. 4pp.

0427 Letter: Military Attache. Peking to Washington. Arsenals. February 28. 1929. 3pp.

0430 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. The Hanyang  Arsenal. February 14, 1929. 3pp.

0433 Letter: Military Attache. Peking to Washington. The Mukden  Arsenal. February 13, 1929. 8pp.

0441 Report: The Kiangnan Arsenal. Shanghai. December 18, 1928. Ip.

0442 Report. The Mukden Trench Mortar Arsenal. May 8, 1928. 4pp.

0446 Report: The I.ugar Type Automatic Rifle. December 29, 1928. 2pp.

0448 Report: The Mukden Arsenal. March 27, 1928. 5pp.

0453 Report: The Hanyang Arsenal. February 20, 1928. 3pp.

0456 Letter: Military Attache. Peking to Washington. Arsenal Reports. December 7, 1927. 8pp.

0464 Report: The Hanyang Arsenal. August 4, 1927. 1p.

0465 Report: Reports on Arsenals. June 30, 1927. 23pp.

0488 Report: The Taiyuanfu Arsenal. May 21, 1937. 4pp.

0492 Report: The Mukden Arsenal. July 17, 1936. 4pp.

0496 Memo: The Chinese Chemical Warfare Arsenal. May 14, 1935. 7pp.

0503 Report: The Chemical Warfare Arsenal at Kunghsien, Honan. April 10, 1935. 3pp.

0506 Report: The Kunghsien Arsenal. April 9, 1935. 3pp.

0509 Report: List of the Central Government's Arsenals. November 14, 1934. 2pp.

0511 Report: The Hanyang Arsenal. November 6, 1934. 4pp.

0515 Report: The Kunghsien Arsenal. November 6, 1934. 2pp.

0517 Report: The Cement Industry in China. April 11, 1932. 3pp.

0520 Report: The Boycott on Japanese Goods in Nanking. November 1, 1920. 2pp.

0522 Report: The Condition of Affairs between the North and the South. November 23, 1919. 3pp.

0525 Report: The Engagement of a Japanese Military Advisor by the Nanking Government. November 24. 1919. 2pp.

0527 Report: Foreign Relations and the Present Political Conditions. November 13, 1919. 3pp.

0530 Report: Chinese Troop Movements to Outer Mongolia. December 3, 1919. 7pp.

0537 Report: Sino-Japanese Incident at Foochow. December 8, 1919. 7pp.

0544 Report: Political Conditions in the Chungking District. December 12, 1919. 6pp.

0550 Report: Supplemental Information on the Japanese Boycott. December 10. 1919. 3pp.

0553 Report: The Political Conditions at Canton and Peace between the North and South. December 12, 1919. 7pp.

0560 Report: Japanese Insult of the Military Attache's Wife at Mukden. December 15, 1919. 5pp.

0565 Report: Political Conditions in China and Shanghai's Interest in Political Events. January 7, 1920. 8pp.

0573 Report: The Official Administration in Shantung. January 17, 1920. 7pp.

0580 Report: Ideas for American Policy in China. January 17. 1920. 9pp.

0589 Report: The Macao Boundary. February 16, 1920. 3pp.

0592 Report: The Political Conditions in Honan. March 9, 1920. 5pp.

0597 Report: Rumoured Revolt of the 15th Division and the Conclusion that the Chinese Military Forces Are Not Controlled by the Central Government. January 31, 1920. 6pp.

0603 Report: The Straits Settlements. April 7, 1920. 11pp.

0614 Report: The Proposed Consortium Loan to China. April 12, 1920. 5pp.

0619 Report: Student Activities and the National Students' Union. April 19. 1920. 6pp.

0625 Report: The Conditions in Siberia, Manchuria and the Japanese. April 23, 1920. 15pp.

0640 Report: The Political Situation in the Southern Military Government. June 1, 1920. 15pp.

0655 Report: Estimate of the Political Situation—the Old Political Groupings. July 29, 1920. 5pp.

0660 Report: Changes in the Political Monograph for China. August 26, 1920. 9pp.

0669 Report: The Feud between the Chihli and Anfu Factions and the Conditions in Honan. July 8. 1920. 7pp.

0676 Report: Information on the Feud between the Chrhli and Anfu Factions. July 17. 1920. 4pp.

0680 Report: The Political Situation as of September 19, 1920. September 23, 1920. 6pp.

0686 Report: Bolshevism in China. December 2, 1920. 3pp.

0689 Report: The Russo-Chinese Treaty Negotiations. January 26, 1921. 3pp.

0692 Report: The Capture of Urga by the Troops of Baron Ungern and the Mongols. March 30, 1921. 7pp.

0699 Letter: State Department to Military Intelligence Division, War Department. March 21, 1921. 6pp.

0705 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Bolshevism in China. May 26, 1921. 4pp.

0709 Letter: Military Attache to Washington. Estimate of the Political Situation in the Far East and Considerations Affecting the China Expedition in Case of War. February 18. 1921. 8pp.

0717 Letter: State Department to Military Intelligence Division, War Department. Political Conditions in the Canton and Nanking Consular Districts. June 16, 1921. 30pp.

0747 Report: Anti-Bolshevik Operations in Outer Mongolia. March 17, 1921. 7pp.

0754 Report: Political Conditions in Mukden. April 12, 1921. 5pp.

0759 Report: The Political and Military Conditions in Canton. April 13, 1921. 7pp.

0766 Report: Resume of Chinese Government Activities at Peking. March 30-May 21, 1921. 28pp.

0794 Report: Information on the Railway Administration and Bolshevik Policies in Manchuria. June 2, 1921. 4pp.

0798 Report: Resume of Chinese Government Activities at Peking. May 23 - June 3. 1921. 12pp.

0810 Report: The Political and Social Conditions in China. June 9, 1921. 4pp.

0814 Report: Booklet Entitled: The Rape of Kwanglung. N.D. 7pp.

0821 Report: Chinese Government Activities. June 23-July 1, 1921. 9pp.

0830 Report: The Military and Political Conditions in Mukden. June 25, 1921. 4pp.

0834 Report: The Military and Political Conditions in Mukden. July 5, 1921. 2pp.

0836 Despatch: Consul, Mukden to State. The Political and Economic Conditions in the Mukden Consular District. July 25, 1921. 6pp.

0842 Report: Conclusion of Military Conferences and Information on the Mongolian Expedition. J 1921. 2pp.

0844 Report: Conditions in Mukden. July 19, 1921. 2pp.

0846 Report: The Government of South China. August 12. 1921. 7pp.

0853 Report: The Chinese Government Activities. August 10, 1921. 1p.

0854 Report: The Military Situation in the North and Chinese Preparation for the Pacific Confi. August 11, 1921. 1p.

0855 Report: Chinese Government Activities. August 12, 1921. 1p.

0856 Report: Shantung, the Pacific Conference, and Internal Strife in China. August 13, 1921. 1p.

0857 Report: I he Military Situation in Hupeh and Kirin. August 15. 1921. 1p.

0858 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 16. 1921. 1p.

0859 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 17. 1921. 1p.

0860 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 9. 1921. 1p.

0861 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 8. 1921. 1p.

0862 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 6. 1921. 1p .

0861 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 5. 1921. 1p.

0864 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 4. 1921. 1p.

0865 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 3. 1921. 1p.

0866 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 1, 1921. 1p.

0867 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 30. 1921. 2pp.

0869 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 29. 1921. 2pp.

0871 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 28. 1921. 1p.

0872 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 27. 1921. 1p.

0873 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 26, 1921. 1p.

0874 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 25, 1921. 1p.

0875 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 23. 1921. 1p.

0876 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 22, 1921. 1p.

0877 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 21, 1921. 1p.

0878 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 20, 1921. 1p.

0879 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 18, 1921. 3pp.

0882 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 16, 1921. 2pp.

0884 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 15, 1921. 1p.

0885 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. July 14. 1921. 1p.

0886 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 13. 1921. 2pp.

0888 Report: The Conditions in Canton. September 15, 1921. 5pp.

0893 Report: The Conditions in Canton. September 8, 1921. 4pp.

0897 Report: The Conditions in Canton. September I, 1921. 6pp.

0903 Report: The Conditions in Mukden. September 12, 1921. 2pp.

0905 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 1, 1921. 1p.

0906 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 13, 1921. 1p.

0907 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 12, 1921. 1p.

0908 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 10, 1921. 1p.

0909 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September9, 1921. 1p.

0910 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 8, 1921. 1p.

0911 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 7, 1921. 1p.

0912 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 6, 1921. 1p.

0913 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 5, 1921. 1p.

0914 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 3, 1921. 1p.

0915 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. September 2, 1921. 1p.

0916 Report: Miscellaneous Chinese Government Activities. August 31, 1921. 1p.

0917 Report: The Conditions in Mukden. September 5, 1921. 5pp.

0922 Report: The Conditions in Canton. August 15, 1921. 3pp.

0925 Report: The Conditions in Canton. August 12, 1921. 4pp.


0001 Despatch: Consul, Canton to State. Friction Between Macao and Canton. September 30, 1921. 11pp.

0012 Report: The Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party. October 27, 1921. 10pp.

0022 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Quarterly Political Report-Ended December 31, 1920. September 9, 1921. 46pp.

0068 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Quarterly Political Report-Ended March 31 1921. September 9, 1921. 52pp.

0120 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Quarterly Political Report-Ended June 30, 1921. September 9, 1921. 68pp.

0188 Despatch: Consul, Swatow to State. Attempted Boycott of Butterfield and Swire Steamship Company. December?, 1921. 11pp.

0199 Despatch: Consul, Canton to State. Sun Yat-sen and Chang Tso-lin Agreement. April 4. 1922. 3pp.

0202 Despatch: Consul, Canton to State. Political Conditions in Yunnan and Tang Chi Yao. March 13. 1922. 4pp.

0206 Despatch: Consul, Chungking to Legation, Peking. Anti-Foreign Sentiment and the Political Conditions in Szechuan. May 2, 1922. 4pp.

0210 Despatch: Consul, Harbin to State. Press Comments on the Political Disturbances in Northern

Manchuria. May 13, 1922. 4pp.

0214 Report: Booklet on the Versailles Treaty, China and the U.S. June, 1922. 5pp.

0219 Despatch: Consul, Harbin to State. Alleged American Support for General WuPeiFu. May 11, 1922. 3pp.

0222 Report: The Political Monograph of China—Domestic Policies. June 13, 1922. 2pp.

0224 Report: The Political Monograph of China—Executive Policies. July 27, 1922. 12pp.

0236 Despatch: Consul, Kalgan to State. Joffe's Mission to China and Bolshevik Propaganda in China. August 21, 1922. 5pp.

0241 Despatch: Consul, Kalgan to State. Bolshevik Propaganda in China. August 25, 1922. 5pp.

0246 Despatch: Legation, Peking to State. Report on the Conference at Changchun. October 7, 1922. 12pp.

0258 Report: The Changchun Conference and the Conditions in Manchuria. September 23, 1922. 6pp.

0264 Report: The Political and Military Conditions in Fukien. November 15, 1922. 28pp.

0292 Report: The Conditions in the Upper Yangtze Valley. November 13, 1922. 17pp.

0309 Letter: Secretary of State to Secretary of War. Release of an American Missionary in Honan Province. March 26, 1924. 24pp.

0333 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Disorders in Honan: Banditry and Missionaries Taken Captive. November 20, 1922. 4pp.

0337 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Disorders in Honan: Banditry and Missionaries Taken Captive. November 20, 1922. 3pp.

0340 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Disorders in Honan: Banditry and Missionaries Taken Captive. November 24, 1922. 7pp.

0347 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Capture by Brigands of Reverend Borg-Breen and the Burning of Sihsien in Honan. November 12, 1922. 10pp.

0357 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Capture of a Missionary in Sihsien. November 13, 1922. 3pp.

0360 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Disorders in Honan: Banditry and the Capture of Missionaries. November 14, 1922. 4pp.

0364 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Disorders in Honan: Banditry and the Capture of Missionaries. November 15, 1922. 6pp.

0370 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Disorders in Honan: Banditry and the Capture of Missionaries. November 16, 1922. 2pp.

0372 Despatch: Consul, Hankow to Legation, Peking. Disorders in Honan: Banditry and the Capture of Missionaries. November 18, 1922. 26pp.

0398 Report: The Internal Political Situation. December 1922. 31pp.

0429 Despatch: Consul, Tsingtao to Legation, Peking. Statement by the Tsingtao Chinese Chamber of Commerce concerning Banditry. December 23, 1922. 11pp.

0440 Memo: The Possible Occupation of the Tsicntsin-Fukow Railroad by Allied Troops. May 21, 1923. 3pp.

0443 Memo: Possible Allied Expedition to China. May 21. 1923. 6pp.

0449 Report: Estimate of the Chinese and Allied Military Situation. May 1923. 8pp.

0457 Report: Discussion of the Manchurian Situation. June 11, 1923. 19pp.

0476 Report: Chinese Personalities. July 17. 1923. 6pp.

0483 Report: Reply to China's "October 4 Note" on the Lincheng Affair. October 16, 1923. 2pp.

0485 Report: China's Reply of October 15 and the Lincheng Note of October 4. October 16, 1923. 5pp.

0490 Memo: Capture of Major Pinger by Bandits. August 15, 1923. 9pp.

0499 Report: Full I ext of the Sino-Russian Agreement. June 16. 1924. 6pp.

0505 Memo: Notes on Political and Commercial Conditions in Urga. April 19. 1924. 4pp.

0509 Memo: Allied Trains during the Chihli-Fengtien 1924 War. January 17. 1925. 135pp.

0644 Report: Detailed Account of the Chinese Atrocities at Tsinan. N.D. 7pp.

0651 Report: The Political, Military, and Economic Situation as of January 24, 1924. 15pp.

0666 Report: The Political, Military, and Economic Situation as of January 23. 1926. 9pp.

0675 Bulletin: The Military Situation and the Railway. September 16, 1924. 3pp.

0678 Bulletin: The Chihli Military Situation. September 17. 1924. 2pp.

0680 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops through Tientsin. September 18. 1924. 1p.

0681 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 19, 1924. 2pp.

0683 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 19. 1924. 2pp.

0685 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 21, 1924. 2pp.

0687 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 22, 1924. 2pp.

0689 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 23. 1924. 1p.

0690 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 24, 1924. 3pp.

0693 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 25. 1924. 2pp.

0695 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 26, 1924. 3pp.

0698 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 27, 1924. 2pp.

0700 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 28. 1924. 2pp.

0702 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 29. 1924. 1p.

0703 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. September 30. 1924. 2pp.

0705 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. October 1-31, 1924. 52pp.

0757 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. November 1-30. 1924. 52pp,

0809 Bulletin: Railway Transport of Troops. December 2-12. 1924. 15pp.

0824 Report: The Military. Political, and Economic Situation to December 31, 1924. 20pp.

0844 Report: The Military, Political, and Economic Situation to January 25, 1925. January 1925. 15pp.

0859 Report: Military Situation Survey: The Civil War in North China. October 25, 1925 to January 1, 1926. January 1926. 15pp.

0874 Report: Consolidation of the Intelligence Bulletins on the 1925 Chinese Civil War. October 24, 1925 - January 3, 1926. January 1926. 49pp.

0923 Report: Reports by Military Observers, aboard International Trains, on the Civil War in North China, November 28-December 22, 1925. December 1925. 45pp.


0001 Report: The Present Situation Military Activities and the Split in the Government. December 2. 1925. 5pp.

0006 Report: The Present Situation the Spread of lighting from the South to the North of China. November 25. 1925. 2pp.

0008 Report: Military Manoeuvring, Mobilization and Negotiations. November 13. 1925. 2pp.

0010 Report: The Impeding Civil War. November 2. 1925. 2pp.

0012 Report: Threat to the Stability of the Provisional Government and the Peace. October 21. 1925. 6pp.

0018 Report: Possible Renewal of the Chihli-Fengtien War. September 26, 1925. 2pp.

0020 Report: Factors in the Impending Crisis: Japan, Russia, Chang Tso-lin. and Feng Yu-hsiang. May 2, 1925. 3pp.

0023 Report: Reorganization of the Fengtien (Manchurian) Army. April 22, 1925. 2pp.

0025 Report: The Attitude of the Japanese during the Chihli-Fengtien War. April 7, 1925. 5pp.

0030 Report: The Japanese Attitude during the Chihli-Fengtien War, October-November, 1924. April 6, 1925. 6pp.

0036 Report: The Chinese Armed Forces. April 10, 1925. 10pp.

0046 Memo: The Civil War in North China. November 1, 1924. 2pp.

0048 Report: The Attitude of the Japanese during the Civil War in North China. January 20, 1926. 8pp.

0056 Report: Manoeuvring by the Nationalist Armies, The Chihli and Fengtien Troops. March 12, 1926. 3pp.

0059 Report: Destabilization of the Central Government and the 1st National Army. February 26, 1926. 5pp.

0064 Report: Wu Pei Fu and the Military Situation in Central China. February 26, 1926. 2pp.

0066 Report: The Aerial Bombing of Peking. April 6, 1926. 2pp.

0068 Report: Japan, Soviet Russia, and Northern Manchuria and the Pacific Problem. March 2, 1926. 20pp.

0088 Report: The Foreign Policy of Feng Yu-hsiang and the National Army of the Northwest. March 16, 1926. 5pp.

0093 Report: The Battle at Hsinminfu. February 20, 1926. 2pp.

0095 Report: The Organization and Composition of the Nationalist and Ankuochun Armies. December 11. 1926. 5pp.

0100 Report: Demonstrations at Wuhu—an Example of the Typical Methods Employed by Nationalist Agitators upon Occupying a New Territory. March 29, 1927. 2pp.

0102 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Reasons for the Chinese Revolution. April 1. 1927. 3pp.

0105 Report: Opinion of Chang Tso-lin. April 19, 1927. 3pp.

0108 Report: The Central Government's Approach to the Foreign Powers. April 14, 1927. 3pp.

0111 Report: Situation Report. June 6, 1927. 4pp.

0115 Report: Situation Report. July 7, 1927. 4pp.

0119 Report: Situation Report. August 3, 1927. 3pp.

0122 Report: Situation Report. May 27, 1927. 5pp.

0127 Report: Yen Hsi-shan's Position as Stated by General Nan Kuei-hsing. August 15. 1927. 5pp.

0132 Report: Situation Report. August 31, 1927. 5pp.

0137 Report: Situation Report. September 29, 1927. 5pp.

0142 Report: The Political Background of the Mukden-Shansi War. October 12, 1927. 3pp.

0145 Report: Initial Operations in the Shansi-Fengtien War. October 13, 1927. 3pp.

0148 Report: Situation Report. October 24, 1927. 6pp.

0154 Report: Situation Report. November 8, 1927. 7pp.

0161 Report: Situation Report. November 22, 1927. 6pp.

0167 Report: Situation Report. December 20, 1927. 6pp.

0173 Report: Situation Report. January 17, 1928. 7pp.

0180 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. The Siege of  Chochow. January 30, 1928. 7pp.

0188 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Map of China. 1p.

0189 Report: China, Japan, and the Washington Conference of 1921. May 16, 1928. 3pp.

0192 Report: Situation Report. April 25, 1928. 4pp.

0196 Report: Situation Report. March 10, 1928. 8pp.

0204 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Observations on the Conditions in the Rear Areas of the Shantung Army (Ankuochun). April 26, 1928. 16pp.

0220 Report: Situation Report. April 9, 1928. 7pp.

0227 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. The Strength of the British Forces in China. March 28, 1928. 3pp.

0230 Report: Situation Report. February 11, 1928. 6pp.

0236 Report: The Sino-Japanese Clash at Tsinan. May 8, 1928. 8pp.

0244 Report: Japanese Decision to Dispatch Troops to Shantung. April 1928. 4pp.

0248 Report: Situation Report. May 9, 1928. 4pp.

0252 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Observations on the Conditions in Nationalist Territory. May 9, 1928. I9pp.

0271 Report: The Political Situation in China. May 22, 1928. 4pp.

0275 Letter: Military Attache, Tokyo to Washington. The Japanese General Staff Account of the Tsinan Atrocities. May 23, 1928. 8pp.

0283 Report: Situation Report. May 24, 1928. 6pp.

0289 Report: The Sino-Japanese Collision at Tsinan. May 23, 1928. 16pp.

0305 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Observations on the Conditions in Nationalist Territory. May 24, 1928. 12pp.

0317 Report: Situation Report. June 4, 1928. 3pp.

0320 Report: The Peaceful Occupation of Peking and Tienstin. June 18, 1928. 3pp.

0323 Report: Situation Report. June 30, 1928. 7pp.

0330 Report: The Disbandment of Chinese Troops. July 16. 1928. 7pp.

0337 Report: The Present Status of the Manchurian and Former Chihli-Shantung Allied Troops. July 18, 1928. 3pp.

0340 Report: Miscellaneous Notes on Military Activities in North China. August 2, 1928. 3pp.

0343 Report: Miscellaneous Notes on Military Activities in North China. August 14, 1928. 4pp.

0347 Report: Miscellaneous Notes on Military Activities in China. August 29, 1928. 3pp.

0350 Report: Situation Report. September II. 1928. 8pp.

0358 Report: Situation Report. September 24, 1928. 7pp.

0365 Report: Situation Report. October 22, 1928. 9pp.

0374 Report: Situation Report. November 19, 1928. 8pp.

0382 Report: Situation Report. December 31, 1928. 9pp.

0391 Report: Situation Report. January 31, 1929. 7pp.

0398 Report: Situation Report. March I, 1929. 7pp.

0405 Report: British Troops in China. February 25, 1929. 1p.

0406 Report: Situation Report. March 13, 1929. 5pp.

0411 Report: Situation Report. March 28, 1929. 9pp.

0420 Report: The Sino-Japanese Agreement Settling the Tsinan Incident. April 10, 1929. 1p.

0421 Report: Situation Report. April 10, 1929. 12pp.

0433 Report: Situation Report. May 8, 1929. 13pp.

0446 Report: Situation Report. May 21, 1929. 12pp.

0458 Report: Situation Report. June 5, 1929. 13pp.

0471 Report: The Situation in China. July 16, 1929. 2pp.

0473 Report: Situation Report. July I, 1929. 11 pp.

0484 Letter: Military Attache, Pekingto Washington. A Reevaluation of the Revolution. June 28, 1929. 4pp.

0488 Report: Situation Report. July 30, 1929. 12pp.

0500 Report: Situation Report. August 29, 1929. 6pp.

0506 Report: Situation Report. September 12, 1929. 9pp.

0515 Report: Situation Report. October 9, 1929. 4pp.

0519 Report: Situation Report. October 23, 1929. 13pp.

0532 Report: Situation Report. November 18. 1929. 12pp.

0544 Report: Observations on the Situation in Central China. November 27, 1929. 14pp.

0558 Report: Situation Report. December 16, 1929. 13pp.

0570 Report: Situation Report. December 31, 1929. 10pp.

0581 Report: Situation Report. January 27, 1930. 10pp.

0592 Report: Situation Report. February 4, 1930. 7pp.

0599 Report: Situation Report. February 25, 1930. 6pp.

0605 Report: Situation Report. February 25, 1930. 8pp.

0613 Report: Situation Report. March 24, 1930. 11pp.

0624 Report: Situation Report. April 21, 1930. 15pp.

0639 Report: Situation Report. May 19, 1930. 15pp.

0654 Report: Situation Report. June 16, 1930. 16pp.

0670 Report: Situation Report. June 23, 1930. 2pp.

0672 Report: Situation Report. June 30, 1930. 14pp.

0686 Letter: Military Attache, Peking to Washington. Report on the Observation of Hostilities at Tsinan. July 1, 1930. 1p.

0687 Report: Situation Report. July 14, 1930. 16pp.

0703 Report: Situation Report. July 28, 1930. 2pp.

0705 Report: Situation Report. September 8, 1930. 17pp.

0722 Memo: Observations in Mukden. September 10, 1930. 4pp.

0726 Report: Situation Report. August 25, 1930. 4pp.

0730 Report: Observations on the Military Activities in Shantung, September 1-3.1930. September 4. 1930. 5pp.

0735 Report: Situation Report. August 11, 1930. 19pp.

0754 Report: Situation Report. September 24, 1930. 5pp.

0759 Report: Situation Report. October 6, 1930. 18pp.

0777 Report: Situation Report. October 23, 1930. 16pp.

0793 Report: Situation Report. November 5, 1930. 17pp.

0810 Report: Situation Report. December 3, 1930. 17pp.

0827 Memo: Conversation with Mr. William H. Donald. December 13, 1930. 3pp.

0830 Report: Review of the Events from July to December 1930. December 16, 1930. 5pp.

0835 Report: Situation Report. December 29, 1930. 12pp.

0847 Report: Situation Report. January 28, 1931. 17pp.

0864 Memo: Observations on Troops in Shantung. February 24. 1931. 4pp.

0868 Report: Situation Report. February 16. 1931. 12pp.

0881 Memo: Observations on the General Situation in Mukden and Harbin. March 31. 1931. 4pp.

0885 Memo: Observations on the General Situation in the Yangtze Valley. March 31, 1931. 10pp.

0895 Memo: The Shansi Situation. March 24, 1931. 14pp.

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