Reply to “Wow”: How to pronounce “ou”
(2007-04-27 18:20:25)
Hi, "wow"
see if it helps.
hat: â, short vowel. same to “a” in Apple, Rat, Bad, refer to my previous articles.
hut: ŭ, similar to “額” hot: Yinbiao? Similar to “啊” “H啊t” don’t pronounce it as “好t”
house: 分開發, then, together.
First learn how to pronounce “ou”: similar to “啊吾”. First 發 “啊”, then, slowly change 口形 to “吾” Like “啊------吾”
Then, 發ou-s, finally, H-ou-s.
Loud: same to house. ou>ou-d>l-ou-d
Road: oa- 發 long vowel “O” . “o” > “od” >, “R-o-d”, refer to my previous articles.
If you cannot pronounce “ou” correctly, you will pronounce “House” as “Horse”, that is a big difference!Thanks