和 -cl_cl- : 發尾音L, M, N 的重要性及要領
(2007-04-27 11:30:56)
-cl_cl- 談過如何發尾音N, very helpful. 我再作點補充.
有人曾經說過, 把一個 word 首音和尾音發好了, 別人就聽懂了. 這話不無道理. 說明發好尾音跟發好首音一樣重要.
It was a headache to spell my last name “Qin” to somebody on the phone. Many times, I have to say “Q as in quick, I as in initial and N as in Nancy”. Otherwise, they misunderstand it as “Qia”. Why? Because “N” is not pronounced correctly.
The following is a list of some mistakes we frequently make:
1. 尾音 “N” or “M” is not emphasized or even omitted. “Learn” >”ler” or “Ler-a”; “Home”> “ho”, “Phone”> “Pho” or “Pho-a”
2. 尾音 “L” is pronounced as “O”. eg., “Bottle”> “Botto”, “Hospital” >”Hospito”
We usually do not have too much trouble when we pronounce “L”, “M” and “N” as an initial sound because we have these consonants in Chinese, e.g., Lao (老), Lan (蘭), Man (慢), Mang (忙), Neng (能), Nan (南), etc.
尾音L, M, N 的發音也不難. 發尾音L, 要把舌尖 touch 上牙牙齦, otherwise, it will sound like “O”. 聲帶一定要震動.
發尾音 M and N, 要有十足的鼻音.
尾音L, M, N 的發不好的症結音是什麽? 三個words: Not Long Enough, 切記!!!
It is OK to exaggerate at very beginning. 把L, M, N 三個尾音拉地很長, 很長. Moon>Moonnnnn; Cotton>Cottonnnnn.
Please read these words to your American co-workers or your children.
尾音L: Tail, Hospital, Mail, Bottle, Detail, Bill, Hotel, Oil, Spill, Tool, Wool
尾音M: Home, Bottom, Come, Mom, Ham, Team, doom, beam
尾音N: Coin, Cotton, Button, Moon, Iron, Spoon, Moon, Listen, Fasten, Ten
Thank you!
April 27, 2007