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Life is Enjoyable but Fragile (EN)

(2007-12-12 15:36:28) 下一個

Something prompted me to post the following piece that I wrote on April 9, 2007.

================= Life is Enjoyable but Fragile ==============
A tennis player, who belonged to the same tennis club as we do, passed away last Wednesday.

We used to play tennis together, and he was once our team’s captain. I also played tennis with his wife and his two sons. He was a lefty and his forehand stroke was a killer to everyone when he got it. I think he earned the title "Tennis Player", for he died with a tennis racquet in his hand, just like a soldier died with his boots on.

Wednesday evening was our regular doubles drop-in. After he received his match assignment and right before the play started, he suddenly collapsed on the tennis court, just like a coconut being dropped on the ground. He probably died before he had been moved out of the court to a Hospital, out of mass heart attack.

Outside of tennis, he was a graphics designer. He had been active in local community and he had been the chairman of our city's Chamber of Commerce. He was a musician and conductor of a church choir.

It is a strange feeling that I know someone I knew well will never again show up in my life. This also reminds us that life is so fragile that we should appreciate whatever we have, and enjoy every moment whenever we can.

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