  • 博客訪問:

My Teenage Daughter’s Hug (EN)

(2007-06-19 13:32:18) 下一個

Once I told a Mom that my eight-year old lovely daughter 
always wanted to give me a hug. The Mom said his son used to
do exactly the same to her, but things had been changed ever
since he became ten: no more.


I told my daughter this story right after this conversation.


Now my daughter is between thirteen and fourteen but she still comes to 
my bed side every night for a hug. Occasionally she would mention the
story I told her many years ago just to check if what happened to that
Mom would ever happen to me. 

*** Added
June 23, 2007 ***

They only have two states: laughing and crying, nothing between. 他告訴女兒說,
They are no longer friends to him, until they are out of teens, when they
(daughters and himself) will become friends again and talk again.



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漫遊 回複 悄悄話 回複melly的評論:Thanks, Melly.
melly 回複 悄悄話 What a lovely daughter and what a happy Daddy!