

(2007-03-13 08:18:06) 下一個



OK, maybe you’ve joined American Atheists – we hope you have, or will at least consider doing so – and you are asking “What can I do to help?” We have some suggestions, and they are simple, relatively easy things you can do as an individual to help in carrying out the mission of our organization. Of course, we might think of more, so check back here at the web site; but for now, here are some ideas that might serve as a good start!

Go to the media in your area and demand equal time on the airways for Atheism. This includes radio, television and newspapers. Let the media know that there is public interest in Atheist programming. Make official protests concerned with the one-sided presentation of evangelical Christianity. Make your protest in writing if, possible. Put it on your business or professional stationary if you own your own business or are a professional person. Make sure that the radio or television station makes your written protest a part of their FCC (Federal Communications Commission) file for review by the FCC at the time of their annual license renewal.

We strongly encourage our friends to donate American Atheist Press books to public and university libraries. Most libraries have far too few works in dissent to religion - in fact, usually none at all. Before asking us to ship material to a library, however, please contact the acquisitions or head librarian to ensure that the material will be accepted and made available to the public. Please provide us with the name of the individual or department to which the material should be shipped.

We offer a discount of 20 percent on all book purchases by libraries. Subions to the American Atheist magazine are available at a 50-percent discount to all libraries. Postage and handling on institutional orders will be our actual shipping cost, based on current rates.

Return periodically to the library to make sure that the magazine is displayed and has not been stolen by a religious fanatic.

Try to get the Atheist Viewpoint Cable TV program aired on your local cable station. All you have to do is call the station and see if they accept “out of area” programming. If they do, ask if you can sponsor the program. You might have to live in their viewing area to be a sponsor. American Atheists will provide four programs a month in whatever format they require like DVD, VHS, digital or SVHS. We provide postage paid mailing stickers so that no cost is incurred in returning the programs to us. Once you have this information then contact us and we will take it from there.

Search old book stores for Atheist books. Rare and used book dealers often have Atheist classics in stock that are quite valuable, but they have no idea what they are holding. These volumes can be obtained at often modest cost for the Charles E. Stevens American Atheist Library and Archives at the American Atheist Center. Maintaining a documentation of the stream of Atheist history in America is important to future generations. Do what you can to make sure that Atheism will live on through its written record.

Monitor college and university campuses in your area and urge administrations there to have representatives of the Atheist point of view on campus. American Atheists can provide speakers for educational institutions or organizations in your area.

Monitor your local public schools for separation of state and church violations. Pay special attention to prayer in the schools in any form, in front of any group in taxpayer supported school facilities. Also, watch for the inclusion of “creationism” into science classes. Watch for required assemblies for promulgation of theology. PTAs and student councils are frequent separation violators. Object to the opening of any PTA meeting with an invocation. Go to the principal or school board or other school officals when you notice a separation violation and let them know your objection. Ask them to tell you what they will do to correct it. Get their statement in writing if possible.

Monitor local government groups such as city and town councils, county commissioners, school boards, state legislatures, governors’ meetings or appearances, government office breakfast or luncheon meetings for employees, for prayer. Mandatory prayer in association with government functions is now spreading quickly in America. When you come across an incident of prayer at any public meeting or function protest to the chairmanship of that function at the time of the prayer. Write those responsible for the function and ask that the prayer be stopped or obtain in writing their reasons for continuing the prayer. Many prayer incidents at government functions are the basis for litigation. Protest as best you can, within the law, and document your steps as you go.

Monitor public school textbooks hearings. Do not let texts promoting “Christian morality” be forced upon public school children. The religious community wins often by default, because Atheists are not willing to attend public hearings and make their point of view known.

Monitor graduation ceremonies of educational institutions. Protest the inclusion of invocations or sermons by local clergy at graduation ceremonies at tax supported institutions.

Support your American Atheist Center as you can with a donation each month. Support your American Atheist state director with your time. Information on who your state director is available here. Or consider becoming a state director.

Make your friends, relatives and business associates aware that you are an Atheist. Don’t hide in the closet. Be proud of your position.

Make your friends, relatives and business associates aware of Atheist contributions to the American way of life. We have great heroes, such as: Twain. Edison, Darrow, Burbank, Ford, Carnegie. Einstein. Stanton, Anthony, Sanger, Jane Addams, H.L. Mencken, Smithson, Lick, Asimov, Pauling, Ellis, and many others.

Write letters to the newspapers and magazines in your area. or nationally, on matters of separation of state and church and have notices in their publications. Make your letters concise (200 words or less), cogent and powerful. Call the editors after you write and make sure that your voice is heard.

Picket religious events in government. Let your voice be heard and your body be seen. Object to nativity scenes on tax supported property. Object to prayers at governmental meetings. Object to prayers in public schools. Object to religious representatives speaking on public lands or holding vast rallies. Make sure to check local laws on public gatherings before you picket and obtain any necessary permits and following local regulations. Remember, public protest is part of your right as an American.

Advertise for Atheism in your local paper whenever you can. Place small classified ads in your paper urging people to write for a sample copy of the American Atheist magazine or inquire about membership in American Atheists giving the address and website of the American Atheist Center.

Make your friends, relatives and business associates aware of Atheist natural holidays (that is the summer and winter solstices and the vernal and autumnal equinoxes).

Use “affirmative action” wherever and whenever possible. American Atheism is a constitutionally protected right. but like most rights it only remains viable as long as the Atheists stand up and seize it. Wear your Atheism proudly. Do not apologize for your position. Demand your full share of rights as an American and an Atheist.
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