I Ache For You
(2004-12-31 21:02:35)
My mother and my grandmothers
never said "I love you"
to any of us who still make them
sigh in the deep of the night
and their hearts ache
xin teng, 心疼,
a phrase that raised me
reminding me the opposite
of love & the opposite
of ache
They have been practical
with everything to live on
salary, rice, salt, meat, words
every laughter is a ritual
sacrifice abundant
girlhood, youth, dreams
tears can be sweet
and when heart aches
we are told it's real
What do words have to do
with the first pain
I made my mother suffer?
Now my heart is old enough
to understand my mother tongue
though I have forgotten
the ritual, but sacrifice
still abundant
And I learned the universal
phrase "I love you"---perfect
grammar---subject verb object
I say to my significant other
friends, coworkers, pet, strangers
in square protesting against war
except my mother, grandmother
(the other one died when I was 13)
who to this day still prefer
the old metaphor of heart
and ache
Between two languages
I have to make my own
before I lose them all
metaphor and grammar
myself and non-self
love is sweet
but the ache
of the heart
so real