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梭羅出版的第一本書,是《河上一周》(A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, May 1849)。這本書講的是梭羅兄弟倆帶著幾個學生在河上劃船遊曆的故事。這書沒啥銷路,印了1000本,最後梭羅自己抱回家了700本,堆了有一米高,以至於他在日記中自嘲到:“我現在有書房,珍藏著900冊書,其中700多冊是我自己寫的。一個作者,在品看著自己的勞動果實,不亦樂乎?”這些書,送人的送人,賣的賣,一直到20年後才告清空;那時,梭羅已經去世五六年了。梭羅自己留下了其中的兩本。一本自用,上麵做了些文字修改,有1000多處;另一本留作紀念,紀念過世的弟弟,書裏夾著他弟弟的一束頭發。

梭羅出版的第二本書,就是《瓦爾登湖》(Walden, or Life in the Woods, Aug 1854)。書中記錄了他在瓦爾登湖畔獨居的兩年裏的生活點滴。獨居瓦爾登湖畔的目的,在於思考人生真諦,這本書就是思考的結果。書中引經據典,大量使用文學修辭手法,艱澀難懂。這本書,可以說梭羅是傾注了全部心血,曆時八載,七易其稿。

梭羅在世時,還發表過一些文章。其中的一篇演講稿,“論公民不服從”(Resistance to Civil Government, 1849),後來發表在碧波迪小姐主編的雜誌上。這事緣起於在瓦爾登湖畔獨居期間,因拒絕交稅而抓進監獄關了一晚。而就是這一事件引發的思考,促成了這篇論述公民個人與政府關係的文章。據說這篇文章影響到了後世的印度甘地和馬丁路德金。


《遠足》(Excursions, 1863),愛默生編輯。書中主要是梭羅的作品,夾了一篇愛默生紀念梭羅的文章。書中第一次刊印了梭羅的肖像。第一版印刷了1558本,布麵封皮,全部綠色,有四種布料。

《緬因森林》(The Maine Wood, 1864),錢寧和索菲亞編輯。書中記述了梭羅三次遊曆緬因州的經過。第一版印刷了1450本,布麵封皮,分綠紫茶黑四種顏色,有八種布料。

《科德角》(Cape Cod, 1865),錢寧和索菲亞編輯。書中記述了梭羅四次遊曆科德角的經過,兩次獨遊,兩次雨錢寧同遊。第一版印刷了2040本,布麵封皮,分綠紫茶三種顏色,五種布料。書脊上印有“瓦爾登湖的作者”或“遠足的作者”的字樣。

《書信雜集》(Letters to Various Persons, 1865),愛默生編輯。第一版印刷了2130本,布麵封皮,分綠紫棕茶黑及墨綠六種顏色,八種布料。書脊上同樣印有“瓦爾登湖的作者”或“遠足的作者”的字樣。

《一個洋基在加拿大》(A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers),錢寧和索菲亞編輯。這本書收錄了梭羅的15篇文章,其中最著名的,就是那篇“論公民不服從”和“生活無原則”。第一版印刷了1546本,布麵封皮,分綠紫棕及墨綠四種顏色,五種布料。

《馬薩諸塞州的早春》(Early Spring in massachusetts, 1881),亨利布雷克編輯。文字摘錄自梭羅的日記,按季節分四本書出版。這是其中的第一本。第一版印刷了1018本,綠色布麵封皮。

《夏天》(Summer, 1884),亨利布雷克編輯。第一版印刷了1260本,綠色布麵封皮。

《冬天》(Winter, 1888),亨利布雷克編輯。第一版印刷了1550本,綠色布麵封皮。

《秋天》(Autumn, 1892),亨利布雷克編輯。第一版印刷了1020本,綠色布麵封皮。

《梭羅作品集》(Writings of Henry David Thoreau, 1894)。全套11卷本,其中前9卷都是以前出版過的作品,後2卷是新發表的作品。這個作品集的普通版印刷了500套,大開本印刷了158套。

《梭羅書信集》(Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau, 1884),三寶編輯。這是作為前述作品集的第11本出版,但印刷滯後了半年,單獨發行。普通版印刷了1008本,大開本印刷了158本。

《大自然的頌歌》(Poems of Nature, 1895),三寶和薩爾特編輯。第一版印刷了750本,其中250在美國銷售。這版本是淡綠布麵封皮,毛邊。

《梭羅作品全集》(Writings of Henry David Thoreau, 1906)。全套20卷本,艾倫和托裏編輯。這套書是梭羅作品的權威版本,其地位直到近年才被普林斯頓大學版本所取代。普通版稱為“瓦爾登版”,另外還有一個“原稿版”。瓦爾登版出了1020套,藍色布麵封皮。原稿版是編號限量版,共600套,綠布封皮的售價5美元一卷,全真皮封裝的售價25-75美元一卷,全套500-1500美元。





01. Walden; or, Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, Houghton Mifflin Co., The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1893, 500 copies [A2.3.c]

02. Walden; or, Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, Houghton Mifflin Co., The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Illustrated, 1893 ?

03. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, Everyman's Library, London: J. M. Dent

04. Old Concord, by Allen French, With Drawings by Lester G. Hornby, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1915

05. Through the Year of Thoreau, by Herbert W. Gleason, Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1917

06. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, with introduction by Richard Whiteing, Wallet Library, London and Glasgow: Blackie & Son Limited, 1926 [A2.19]

07. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry D. Thoreau, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1929 [A2.8.h]

08. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, with Introduction by Raymond Adams, Illustrated by Rudolph Ruzicka, Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1930

09. Walden, or Life in the Woods, By Henry David Thoreau, with an introduction by Joseph L. King, The Modern Readers’ Series, New York: The MacMillan Company Publishers, 1929 [A2.22.a]

10. A Henry David Thoreau Bibliography 1908-1937, by William White, Boston: The F. W. Faxon Company, 1939

11. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, with Wood-Engravings by Thomas W. Nason, New York: For The Heritage Press, 1939 [A2.29]

12. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, with Wood-Engravings by Thomas W. Nason, New York: The Heritage Press, 1939 [A2.29]

13. Thoreau, by Henry Seidel Canby, with Illustrations, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1939

14. Walden, Henry David Thoreau, Introduction by Gordon S. Haight, Biographical Sketch by Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Classics Club, New York: Walter J. Blake, Inc., 1942 [A2.30]

15. Walden; or, Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, Illustrations by Aldren Watson, Mount Vernon: Peter Pauper Press, 1944 [A2.34]

16. Walden; or, Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, Illustrations by Aldren Watson, Mount Vernon: Peter Pauper Press, 1944 [A2.34] later print?

17. Walden; or, Life in the Woods, by Henry D. Thoreau, with introduction by Edwin Way Teale, New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1946 [A2.36.a]

18. Thoreau's Walden, A Photographic Register, by Henry Bugbee Kane, with introduction by Brooks Atkinson, New York: Alfred A. Kane, 1946

19. Henry David Thoreau, by Joseph Wood Krutch, The American Men of Letters Series, William Sloane Associates, 1948 (1st ed., signed)

20. The Making of Walden, with the Text of the First Version, by J. Lyndon Shanley, The University of Chicago Press, 1957 (Signed by author) [A2.46.a]

21. Henry Thoreau: American Rebel, by T. Morris Longstreth, Illustrated with photographs by Edwin Way Teale, New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1963, First Edition, signed by author

22. The Days of Henry Thoreau, a Biography, by Walter Harding, New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1965

23. Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, Introduction by Basil Willey, London: Aldine House, Everyone’s Library, No. 281, 1968 [A2.10.c]

24. WALDEN and Other Writings, by Henry David Thoreau, Introduction by Nat Hentoff, Garden City, New York: International Collector’s Library, 1970 [E38]

25. The Annotated Walden (Walden; or, Life in the Woods), by Henry D. Thoreau, Edited by Philip van Doren Stern, New York: Bramhall House, 1970 [A2.1.x]

26. Walden, The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau, Edited by J. Lyndon Shanley, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971 [A2.67.a] (2 copies)

27. The Illustrated Walden, with Photographs from the Gleason Collection, by Henry D. Thoreau, Text Edited by J. Lyndon Shanley, Princeton University Press, 1973 [A2.67.b]

28. Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, a limited edition, The Great Books Ever Written. Westport, Connecticut: The Easton Press, 1975 [A2.70]

29. Walden or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, The 100 Greatest Books of All Time, The Franklin Library, Franklin Center, Pennsylvania, 1976

42. Walden, by Thoreau, Introduced by Colin Ward, Wood-engravings by Michael Renton, London: The Folio Society, 1980 [A2.74]

43. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, with Wood-Engravings by Thomas W. Nason, Norwalk, Connecticut: The Heritage Press, 1981

30. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, with wood engraving by Thomas W. Nason, Collector's Edition, The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written, Norwalk, Connecticut: The Easton Press, 1981

31. Henry David Thoreau: A Descriptive Bibliography, by Raymond R. Borst, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982 (Signed by author)

32. Walden; or, Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, Illustrations by Aldren Watson, Mount Vernon: Peter Pauper Press, 1984

33. A Week, Walden, Maine Woods, Cape Cod, by henry David Thoreau, The Library of America, Eleventh Print, 1985

34. Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, Barnes & Noble, 1992

35. The Days of Henry Thoreau, a Biography, by Walter Harding, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992

36. Walden, an Annotated Edition, by Henry D. Thoreau, Foreword and Notes by Walter Harding, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995

37. Firsts, the Book Collector’s Magazine, Thoreau Special Issue, Volume 9, Number 9, September 1999

38. Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, Wood Engravings by Michael McCurdy, Foreword by Terry Tempest Williams, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 2004

39. Civil Disobedience & Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, Birmingham, AL: Palladium Press, 2004

40. Walden, a Fully Annotated Edition, by Henry D. Thoreau, Edited by Jeffry S. Cramer, Yale University Press, 2004

41. 華爾騰,徐遲(譯),晨光出版公司,1949年3月初版,基本價四元八角,pp.380

42. 瓦爾登湖,徐遲(譯),上海譯文出版社,1982年8月第1版第1次印刷,書號:10188·306,定價:1.10元,pp.314 (徐遲簽名)

43. 湖濱散記,沈漠(節譯),寂天文化事業股份有限公司,2008年11月初版再刷,ISBN 957-585-621-x,定價:120元,pp.234

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
linmiu 回複 悄悄話 回複 '齡齡媽媽' 的評論 : 我的好像也是這本,封麵是湖景。
J_man 回複 悄悄話 google了一下,才知道梭羅不是佐羅。

瓦爾登湖(Walden 或 Life in the Woods)而不是 The cabin in the woods.





Redcheetah 回複 悄悄話 -:)
齡齡媽媽 回複 悄悄話 雅趣。我隻有一本,第四十二,徐遲翻譯。