The Key thing on the backswing 上杆的要點
Another important point in consistency for your backswing is
to maintain the angle of your left wrist all the way through
to the top.
再一個精準的上杆過程的要點就是,上杆到頂點前左手腕的角度保持不變。Ihave a slight break in that angle right there.It's not cupped
and not convex like this.
我的左手腕有一定的角度。不是有許多凹陷也沒有凸出點。 When is starts down,it still remains the same angle.
I want to take this angle of that left wrist up to the top of
the backswing and keep it the same. It goes up there like this,
it doesn't change.
Or it might go even cuppy,and goes this way in the backswing.What happens to many players is that angle does not remain the
same in the backswing.
What happens in a lot of golf swings is that this angle on the
backswing changes.
經常看到的動作是在往後拉杆時這個角度改變了。You maintain that cup right to there in the backswing,so your
hands hinge naturally.
上杆時保持站姿時的左手腕的角度,這樣可以自然地倒腕直到上頂。A lot of times when you take the club back with your hands too much,
look where that angle is right now. It is dead flat.You've lost
the cup on the backswing.
角度了。Some people say they want a flat left wrist at the top of the backswing.
But Isay,“You go to the top with the same left wrist position as you started
with at address”
The club head will hinge the hands and keep that slight cup position right
there at the top of the swing.