

(2008-01-19 15:55:09) 下一個
聖誕夜當晚,女兒因要先去教會,便要我帶兒子一起,去接朋友。 兒子不肯去,女兒便勸解說:我天天在家練,這樣做都是為了你和媽媽,你就來看一下都不肯嗎?我說實在的,連歌詞也沒聽懂過,不知女兒講的是啥意思。 現在也才知道,女兒有獨唱部分,是今晚的主角。 可懵懂,倔強的兒子,哪管那麽多,隻一句:你那破嗓子,哪裏值得費我的時間去聽啊? 氣的女兒也沒法,隻好任他去了。
女兒唱道: The weary road I’ve traveled, has led me to this place
                    Where a thousand anxious questions fill my mind
                   Please hide me in the shadow of your presence and your grace
                 If I’ve ever needed you Father, this is the time Give me peace…
                 Give me heaven’s peace I feel so small and weak and I cry out desperately
           For strength in days ahead Those nights when I need rest
      I pray that you would bless, the deepest part of me… with heaven’s perfect peace.
      It’s hard for me to fathom, the circumstance I face
    I’m overwhelmed with what tomorrow holds
    I start to just imagine, and my heart is so afraid
   More than anything it’s just peace I long to know Give me peace…
Give me heaven’s peace I feel so small and weak and I cry out desperately
  For strength in days ahead Those nights when I need rest
  I pray that you would bless, the deepest part of me… with heaven’s perfect peace.
Peace, Peace… Wonderful peace coming down From the father above
 Swept over my spirit, forever I pray I pray for peace…
I pray that you would bless, the deepest part of me…
With heaven’s perfect peace…
女兒那頎長的身姿,婉轉的歌喉,征服了全場,前同事也忍不住地說:就你女兒唱的有感情,都打動我了。果然,接下來的禮拜日,他不但自己來做禮拜,還邀請了他的朋友來。我說了一句:我女兒的聲音太柔,那個被她安慰而回應的女孩,聲音較高亢。坐我身邊的那 猶太男孩毫不在服地說:不對,就你女兒的聲音好聽,我喜歡。 我說:那是因為你就喜歡我女兒的聲音唄。散場後,前後左右,老老少少,(我總共認識的也沒幾個),都向我道喜:你女兒真的唱的好啊! 更神奇的是,有一個姐妹,並不認識我,有一次正跟我說話,忽然想起什麽似的:啊,聖誕夜在台上唱歌的女孩,是你的女兒啊!
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