女兒從小喜歡寫作,十三歲時起,用了一年多時間,揉合我家的事,與她自己的基督徒經曆,與人生理想,社會抱負,寫下了第一部長篇小說:“救贖” (resurrection). 完成了一百五十幾頁了。又因為學業太忙,放下了。朋友的女兒把它翻成中文,為了給她八十多歲的姥爺看,受到感染,也歸向基督。如真能達此目的,也不枉女兒寫一回了。
Dear xxx:
Congratulations! You have been selected to be a Literary Editor for the 2007-2008 staff of Ken Literary Art Magazine. Your new position will involve the following responsibilities:
Literary Editor
--Work closely with the Literary Director
--Assume the responsibilities of the Literary Director in her absence or upon her request
--Assist in soliciting literary submissions from students and teachers
--Assist in organizing and developing review packets of literary submissions
--Assist in editing, revising and proofreading literary submissions
--Lead groups to review the literary submissions
--Contribute prompts and activities for club meetings
--Attend meetings regularly
I have planned a mandatory organizational office’s meeting for Tuesday September 11, 2007. If anything changes, I will notify you. If for some reason, you cannot accept this position or if you have any questions, you can contact me at xxx. I look forward to a successful year.