
誰家的孩子收到national student leadership conference 的邀請信沒

(2007-03-06 14:23:22) 下一個
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雞毛蒜皮 回複 悄悄話 For your reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Student_Leadership_Conference

I will talk to my daughter, who will be a SOPHOMORE in NYU after this summer. She knows a lot about. Your daughter also can seek advice from her teacher or school consular.
My daughter went to Europe several years ago with People-to-people. $5000 for three weeks. It was her first time leaving parents to travel by herself, and is a very good experience for her,learned a lot about how to behave and getting alone with various people.I think the effects of this trip for her life is valuable.
My feeling is it is expensive and not necessary, but a lot of fun and good experience for high school students.