

(2007-01-07 12:00:02) 下一個

幾天前,接到大學同班同學 T 君 的 E-Mail, 說起在文學城上讀到一篇 “老公, 謝謝”的文章,她一邊讀一邊哽咽,驚動了她十七歲的女兒。女兒問起,她說:這是我同學,你 K 阿姨寫的。 她女兒忙問:你怎麽知道?她說:因為很多事情,我們是一起經曆的。她女兒連忙也讀了一遍。當即提筆給我女兒寫信。

我們倆雖常電話聯絡,可也有十多年未見麵了。我們倆的女兒,應該是在一兩歲,還穿開襠褲的時候,幾家孩子一起玩過,不會有啥印象。在我們倆的電話裏,常常聊起女兒們的趣事,她倆雖差兩歲,卻有很多相似之處。她倆除了交流過一點,關於我女兒的那本還未完成的書,“ Resurrection” 外,幾乎沒有過別的接觸。這裏,我隻是簡單地介紹一下倆女孩的背景。至於倆孩子的理想,思考,人生觀,信仰,等等,可以從她們自己的信件中,看出來。就像我這同學 T 君說的:有時真是覺得,我們應該向孩子們多學習,淨化我們的靈魂。有時我也在想,我們的教育,跟孩子們今天在美國所受的教育,到底不同在哪兒。我們來到人家的國家,如果再不改變我們的一些陋習,不用說,會被人家美國人看不起,更可怕的是,在我們自己的孩子眼裏,我們配稱作文明五千年的國度裏受過教育的人嗎?

以下這篇 , 是同學女兒 H 寫給我女兒 E 的。我女兒的回信,將在下一篇發出。

Dear E:

I wish I had prettier paper to write to you, but I guess notebook paper just have to do for a while.

Wow, where to start…. I have so much I want to say, that I can’t decide where to begin anymore.

Well, first of all, I want you to know that you are the most kind-hearted, nicest, and sweetest girl I’ve ever known. Your ability to forgive and love others is simply amazing. My New Year’s Resolution is to be more like you, to become a better person with more patience, to be more generous and more kind. You are an example of how we should live according to God’s command. You are my role model.

You are also an extremely talented young women. Although I haven’t had the time to finish reading- and translating- your <>. I now from what I have read that it is one of the most touching and awakening books I’ve ever encountered (when you win a Pulitzer’s prize for it, remember me in your award acception speech). I can’t wait to see all your

Other Nobel- prize- winner- books- in- progress. I’ll try to finish my short novel, although it is making agonizingly slow progress- I never have enough time.

You are such a hard- worker-------- 3 AP classes?! Are you crazy? What are you trying to do?! Kill yourself? You are so dedicated to your work, and I wish you luck in everything you do.

Know that you and your family are in my prayers. Don’t worry too much about the future. Things will work out. Because as Christians we know that our Heavenly Father is in control of the world and our lives.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Say hi to your brother and mom and Yuki for me!

Love, H

P.S. We should plan a get- together in the summer when we have the time and opportunity.

P.S.S (Dog prints)

P.S.S.S. Excuse the funny-looking envelope. I made out of a moment of “creativeness.”

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