Front Flex Exhaust Pipe Replacement, Toyota Corolla 1997 1.6L Engine(前柔性尾氣管的更換)
Remove the two bolts at the tail end of the pipe (拆下排氣管尾部的二個螺栓)
This is a very tough job. You can image the difficulty when you see the rusty, rounded off bolt and nut as shown below.
Remove the two nuts at the head end of the pipe (拆下排氣管頭部的二個螺栓)
Remove Oxygen Sensor & lead connector (拆下氧氣感應器和聯線插頭)
Order a Front flex exhaust pipe on eBay (在eBay上購置相應的排氣管, 基本上是多倫多本地價格的一半.令人驚喜的是那遠在天邊的網上商店, 在多倫多就有倉庫)
Install the Front Flex Exhaust Pipe in reverse Procedures