

Vincent (Starry Starry Night) - Don McLean

(2007-03-28 21:30:01) 下一個

Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) lyrics

Starry, starry night

Paint your palette blue and grey

Look out on a summer's day

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hills

Sketch the trees and daffodils

Catch the breeze and the winter chills

In colours on the snowy linen land

Now I understand

What you tried to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanity

And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen

They did not know how

Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night

Flaming flowers that brightly blaze

Swirling clouds and violet haze

Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue

Colours changing hue

Morning fields of amber grain

Weathered faces lined in pain

Are soothed beneath the artists' loving hand

Now I understand

What you tried to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanity

And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen

They did not know how

Perhaps they'll listen now

For they could not love you

But still your love was true

And when no hope was left inside

On that starry, starry night

You took your life as lovers often do

But I could have told you Vincent

This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

Like the strangers that you've met

The ragged men in ragged clothes

The silver thorn of bloody rose

Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know

What you tried to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanity

And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen

They're not listening still

Perhaps they never will...

文森特·凡·高(Vincent van Gogh, 1853.3.30 Zundert, Netherlands-1890.7.29 Auvers-sur-Oise, near Paris, France)出生在荷蘭一個鄉村牧師家庭。他是後印象派的三大巨匠之一。   

凡·高年輕時在畫店裏當店員,這算是他最早受的“藝術教育”。後來到巴黎,和印象派畫家相交,在色彩方麵受到啟發和熏陶。以此,人們稱他為“後印象 派”。但比印象派畫家更徹底地學習了東方藝術中線條的表現力,他很欣賞日本葛飾北齋的“浮世繪”。而在西方畫家中,從精神上給他更大的影響的則是倫勃郎、 杜米埃和米萊(Millet)。  

凡·高生性善良,同情窮人,早年為了“撫慰世上一切不幸的人”,他曾自費到一個礦區裏去當過教士,跟礦工一樣吃最差的夥食,一起睡在地板上。礦坑爆炸 時,他曾冒死救出一個重傷的礦工。他的這種過分認真的犧牲精神引起了教會的不安,終於把他撤了職。這樣,他才又回到繪畫事業上來,受到他的表兄以及當時荷 蘭一些畫家短時間的指導,並與巴黎新起的畫家(包括印象派畫家)建立了友誼。   

凡·高全部傑出的、富有獨創性的作品,都是在他生命最後的六年中完成的。他最初的作品,情調常是低沉的,可是後來,他大量的作品即一變低沉而為響亮和 明朗,好象要用歡快的歌聲來慰藉人世的苦難,以表達他強烈的理想和希望。一位英國評論家說:“他用全部精力追求了一件世界上最簡單、最普通的東西,這就是 太陽。”他的畫麵上不單充滿了陽光下的鮮豔色彩,而且不止一次地下麵去描繪令人逼視的太陽本身,並且多次描繪向日葵。為了紀念他去世的表兄莫夫,他畫了一 幅陽光下《盛開的桃花》,並題寫詩句說:“隻要活人還活著,死去的人總還是活著。”   

人們如果確能真誠相愛,生命則將是永存的,這就是凡·高的願望和信念。可是冷酷和汙濁的現實終於使這個敏感而熱情的藝術家患了間歇性精神錯亂,病發之 時陷於狂亂,病過之後則更加痛苦。他不願增加別人(尤其是弟弟提奧)的負擔,於1890年7月23日自殺,幾天後身亡,享年隻有37歲。幾個月後,曾經把 自己全部熱愛和物力獻給他的提奧也死去了。人們說:提奧是為了凡·高而生的……    

凡·高的正式作品和素描按照J.B.De LA Faille的“The Works of Vincent Van Gogh: His Paintings and Drawings”一書中所用的編號標出,編號前注有F或SD(從屬於素描);JH為Jan Hulsker所設編號, 相比“F”更準確,也更全麵。書信部分按照《文森特·凡·高書信全集》(1981年波士頓出版)的編號標出。凡·高給提奧的信及少量寫給其他人的信在編號 前注有“L”;寫愛彌爾·貝爾納的信編號前注有“B”;寫給安東·凡·拉帕德的信編號前注有“R”;寫給威廉敏娜·凡·高的信編號前注有“W”;提奧寫給 凡·高的信編號前注有“T”。

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