If you’re keeping score at home, will be Kentucky’s largest ever public/private real estate project.World's Highest Escalator
The Umeda Sky Building is the seventh-tallest building in Osaka City, Japan,and one of the city's most recognizable landmarks. It consists of two40-story towers that connect at their two uppermost stories, withbridges and an escalator crossing the wide atrium-like space in thecenter. The escalater ride is an event in itself as it feels like youare floating up into the sky. This is a cheap way to see the city, lessthan 10 USD to go up to the observation area.Located in theUmeda district of Kita-ku, the building was originally conceived in1988 as the "City of Air" project, which planned to create fourinterconnected towers in northern Osaka. Eventually, practicalconsiderations brought the number of towers down to two.

Just a couple more weeks and the FBI will break ground on a new 120,000-square-foot, three-story headquarters building.

Linked Hybrid building

ACCORD21 office building
This is the Lake Geneva, WI Home Depot:
Skyscrapersin Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai. In the middle that's Jinmao Tower whichis the 5th highest building in the world. And you can see there is one"growing" building next to it. How tall will it be?

“Better city: Better Life” by Avery Associates& Sidell Gibson, Event Communications, Fulcrum Consulting, AdamsKara Taylor, DHA Design Services, William Pye, Clyde Malby

Ribbon of Culture by EIGHT: John McAslan +Partners, Brisac Gonzalez, Carmody Groarke, Nord Architecture, ProjectOrange, Surface Architects, Wordsearch, Arup

Our Island by draw Architects & dcmstudios, Graven Images, Ove Arup & Partners Ltd/Arup InternationalConsultants (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Botanical Society Of Scotland
The Network Pavilion by Zaha HadidArchitects, Arup, Metstudio and the Architectural Association School ofArchitecture Curatorial Projects
Sharing Innovations, Engaging Nations by MarksBarfield Architects/Imagination Limited, Price & Myers ConsultingEngineers/Arup
Building Asia Brick by Brick is an architectural exhibition currently touring China put together by ArtAsiaPacific magazine, People’s Architecture Foundation and LEGO toraise the awareness of architectural preservation in Asia. Theexhibition features the architectural designs of some of Asia’s leadingarchitects, but you won’t find any traditional model building materialshere, each original architectural model is built entirely out of LEGOs.The models will tour the urban hubs of Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing andChengdu before being auctioned off in New York in 2008. Inhabitatbrings you highlights of the Shanghai event.
Emergent Technologies & Design installation in AA Bar, 03/04 Projects ReviewPhoto: Helene Binet 
It’s competitor, The Burj Dubai, yet another SOM tower for the people,has already undergone construction and will be between 705 and 950meters, the tallest structure in the world, at least until the Al Burj is built. These towers will beat out the KVLY-TV mast by half, if they reach their maximum projected heights.
Dynamic Skyscraper

Of course, the biggest news is that Dubai is soon to be home toseveral buildings that will not only be the tallest skyscrapers in theworld, but will surpass the current record holder for tallest structurein the world, the KVLY-TV mast, without batting an eye. The Al Burj, also being developed by Nakheel, will be anywhere between 750 and 1000 meters high.
High rises have been sprouting all across the region like weeds in a sandbox.

Some of the newest concepts may well be a group of the most definitive examples of gigantism I have seen in the skyscraper world. The Dubai Towers-Dubai (creative name for creative architecture), by Sama Dubai, is one of the most recently unveiled designs.

More of these needles will most definitely continue to shoot out ofthe Middle Eastern sand in the future, as I have seen one such “topsecret” design myself when I visited
Pickard Chilton earlier this fall.
Jon Pickardsaid, “I’d love to tell you how tall it is, but then I’d have to killyou.” Unfortunately, I did not bring my ninja-cam to take photos of themodel.
Before you all get penis envy from looking at all these phalluses sparkling in the desert sun, take a look at the
cost of building such gigantic wonders, and check out this
slide show. Good thing
“the richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of all household wealth.”

Polytechnic University (Minsk, Belarus, 1981) © Frederic Chaubin

It looks like a set from Star Wars.. Wedding Palace (Tbilisi, Georgia, 1985) © Frederic Chaubin

The architect who designed thisbuilding was influenced by a sketch of an imaginary city drawn by aRussian artist. “Roads Ministry” (Tbilisi, Georgia, 1975) © FredericChaubin

Local people call this building the Monster.. “Soviet Palace” (Kalinigrad, Russia, 1975) © Frederic Chaubin

“Druzhba Holiday Center Hall” (Yalta, Ukraine, 1984)© Frederic Chaubin

Nestled into the fog and forest of San Francisco's Golden GatePark, the California Academy of Sciences aims to be the world's largesteco-friendly public building when it reopens in 2008. (It's bucking fora platinum LEED green-building certification.)

Fire Jacks by Lynn Kingelin Design Studio

Pedregal Shopping Centre by Pascal Arquitectos - Mexico

Articolo by Jesse - articolo is a newly formed manufacturer and web-based retailer of high quality, european-made side tables.

Here’s the model of the new Herzog and De Meuron Miami Art Museum building
These buildings, under construction on the north side of the Miami River, are modestly titled “Epic.”
Eve Kushner’s November Builder/Architect Magazine column, entitled a Dream World Made Real, introduces the work of seminal architect Eugene Tsui.

Paper has become the material of choice for several sculptors in realizing stunning diverse designs.
LEED certified green building designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) architect David Childs, is a marvel.
The Itinerant Urbanist drives around Boston

Stata in spring

INFINIT STRIP - apartment building

How many world-famous locations can we play Nintendo’s Game Boy?

Now, a new feature for architecture
from flickr
Massive apartment blocks from around the globe:

Here we have the work of pallalink
The "BuiltEnvironment” award went to Morphosis Architects of Los Angeles for thenaturally ventilated high-rise San Francisco Federal Building.

The"Research and Initiative” award went to Schlaich Bergermann Solar of Stuttgart

Let’s Tap – Architect in A Bottle