
peterpan1668 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

Medical Error & Discrimination

(2006-10-20 00:38:39) 下一個

I wish would get some comment and support from each other to protect our rights

I like to learn more about medical error and side effects to protect my rights since I am a victim, and I was on anti-depression medical treatment from 1996 up to today. The medical treatment I received that even made me worse than before, and I unable to work, which I have to rely on social welfare to survive.

The first side effects appeared to me was lost sexual functional; then I got sense add with my testis; end of 1997 when I was discharged from hospital, I was just like vegetative--my movement like old age people, my mind can't function well; and I couldn't concentrate to do anything...

When the first side appeared with side-effects, I went back to my doctor and try to learn more about Western depression treatment relate for side effects, my doctor told me that the hospital used the anti-depression treatment for me is very advanced and without side effects show. With continually medical treatment, I was suffered more and my doctor changed three times of the inscription of medication try to adjust, unfortunately it didn't work out.

start 1998, I try to find a job to quite welfare support to live as a normal life, with the concentration and slow movement, I was always failed even with a simple job; and I have to quit French class, stop my English tutoring class because of the same reason.

During the changing of anti-depression medication, the side effects appeared more and more stronger, which I’ve to go back to hospital emergency, waiting minimum 6 hours just to have a short to stop the suffering of the side effects caused to me since it made me lost hope to continue my life...

Since end of 1998, I became sleepless (everyday less an hour per sleep time), constipation, and I have to back to the emergency to have a short when the blood pressure go over to my head. From two months once to one month once; from two weeks once became once week once, twice... I don't know what to do with this anymore, my family relative and friends all lost a hope, and thought I would live like this forever for rest of my life.

I was lucky to have a sister who is Chinese doctor. With her help, I found Asian traditional medical treatment that I almost get out from depression and side effects. The reason why I was unable to cure complete because the law of Welfare system that I have to return back from Thailand and China for the medical treatment.

Even that, I am already feel much better since I stop to take anti-depression medication and I learned how to use acupressure, magnetism water and Chinese meditation to continually healing my illness and side effects that I was preparing back to work.

Since I was under bankruptcy protection, my daughter took her education found to let me get remarry and try to start a family business to live by our own without welfare support, but things didn't work out because we got fraud again by Bank of Montreal.

I was lucky to get remarried during the first treatment I received in Thailand--today my new wife join with us living together as a family class immigrant and we also have a little baby girl who is already a Canadian citizen.

With a new hope, I found a program SAJE and I made a business plan try to start all over again to have a simple warm family life. Unfortunately SAJE didn't accept my project that I have to redo again. Cause of our financial reason, we unable to exercise our legal rights with Bank of Montreal...

With all kind unfair I experienced from my past once my late wife passed away that I am involved with all kind of legal problems since MUC police just used me for protect the public, which didn’t protect me as they promised.


Once they got headache to deal with those criminals they fight for, they just leave me in the darkness. Since then, all kind negligent, discrimination, unrespectable of my legal rights happened to me that I have to facing all kind difficulties without ending...

I still try to work out with all kind difficulties to quit welfare and live as a normal life just like the others, but the last hope I was putting on with my deputy and CLSC social service, the result told me that it was my other dreaming.

I put back a hope from hospital and my doctor again since at Metal Institution it provides different services, which at least have some one, would listen to me to make me fell better. I was regretted since with the wrong impression what my doctor received from my social worker, he believed I was in danger with myself and the others…


By force, I was in hospital Adult Mental Institution for closing medical treatment and confinement. No matter how much my family and I tried to let they understand this was a mistaken since I just looking for social support, which I was not looking for hospitalize, but no one wants to listen.


At the Mental Institution, there was only one person, the general helper who believed that this is medical error, but no one else. With discriminations of my remarriage and Asian traditional medical treatment I received, it proved that western depression treatment is failed.


My doctor was so mad since I stop to take western medical treatment, and instead I got recovered once I was continually using Asian traditional treatment.

During the time I was locked in the Metal Institution until my lawyer released me on June 28, 2002, I was suffered by the way they treated: Without respect, instead provide social service to my family since doctor put me inclosing treatment as I requested, doctor called Sun Youth Children Protection try to take away our baby; furthermore, doctor put me UTT and claiming this is better place for me to stay.

With the first medical treatment I received in 1997 and follow by this medical error, no one from the hospital tells me about my legal rights and how do I excising my legal rights. Without respect my decision freedom choice of medication, especially with my Chinese meditation practicing, UTT forced me to receive anti-injection and they were claiming Asian traditional medical treatment doesn’t work, that’s why I was here; and they locked me on the bed more than 5 hour for punishment even I didn’t against physically to receive anti-depression injection.

With my complaint of the way treated by my doctor since he promised me that once I am in Mental Institution, I would get social service in the hospital and I should see doctor in the same date. But once they put me in 4 East, no one comes to see me though I made my requests, and even with my basic request to see a physical doctor regarding the side effects and other physical health problems, but no one cares.

I try to find a way to learn what is my legal rights here since I believe this is a medical error. But it was impossible since the Mental Institution never let me; instead they even cut phone line to stop me to have the conversation with my lawyer. Once more, when I found out my legal rights and I want to contest for the medical error, in one hand my doctor convinced superior court to arrow him to lock me in for my life; in other hand, he pretended there was no legal action against me.


But the day before my lawyer found out that there is a court hearing, my doctor just abused my legal rights, and he told me that according my present health condition, it’s not good idea to let me appear at the court. I disagreed and I try to learn more about how to protect and exercise my legal rights, but it was impossible.


I left messages on the hospital lawyer answering machine to confirm I want contest to appear in the court. Try to make my life more miserable, my doctor requested me to put in written for any complaints I want to drop down. Even I did what he asked for, which it never responded with my any letters I dropped to. Furthermore, the date of before my hearing time, my doctor refused my request to go for the hearing; instead they disconnected phone line till passed hour of my hearing time.

Once more, my doctor made an order that I only could use three times phone call per shift, and each time within 10 minutes including the phone call with my lawyer. And they don’t care the family crisis since they put me in hospital especially my wife just new arrived without any relative and friend, which everyone were so afraid that I will on anti-depression treatment again… My doctor clearly informed me that he will release me right away if I agreed to take anti-depression medication; otherwise he will lock me in for my life time.

When I refused, he put in order don’t let me to have phone conversation with my family, which was the only support I could provide to my family since we never get any support from social service either by hospital nor CLSC. Furthermore, he threaten me to get court order for force injection; he and the social worker from the hospital even accusing me that I made phone harassment to the hospital lawyer and Ombudsman of Hospital…

The fact is: I called hospital lawyer to exercise my legal rights, left 4 messages of request to join the hearing to appear, which was never responded; I call Ombudsman of the hospital, the lady promised me to leave my name then she will call me back, instead the High Care accusing me that I insulted that lady more than 6 times… For the complaint we dropped—by my family and me, up to today, it never responded.

Furthermore, before the court time, I was just have a phone conversation with Administratif du Quebec to find away how could I protect and exercise my legal rights with the unrespectable, not humanly treatment I was facing too, with the order from my doctor, High Care disconnect the phone line with the reason of I was to exciting.

They put me in for closing medical treatment and confinement, and they accused because I was too active, overreacting, and delusional. They believe that all the legal, financial problems and all the difficulties I was facing to, that was just my imagination especially the fraud we recently got from Bank of Montreal; although my daughter brought all the proofs want my doctor and the hospital to look, but no any doctor pay attention on it, instead they just do what they like to do.

With my complaint of force injection, doctor put me in High Care and claiming that is quite place better for me to stay. From 4 East to UTT, they ask security men forced my family leave to stop they visiting me; from UTT transferred me to High Care, they cut the family visiting and phone conversation time, to try to let me on anti-depression treatment again. Many times they mentioned to me or I accept to take medication, otherwise I might stay Metal Institution forever.

Metal Institution also tries to make a deal with me if I start take medication, sooner they will let me go home to join with my family. With the court hearing, my doctor has nothing to against me; by he even used my baby to against me with an excuses that I was play with my baby too hard and they worry I could hurt my baby; the judge was wondering why I didn’t showing at the court? He explained that the hospital unable to bring me to since they believe even with two nurses as my guardians, which they still unable to guarantee if I would harming the others or myself.

In addition, when I got a my court date to against hospital decision, and I made a request to have a look about my medical file before the court date, my doctor refused with a reason of with my health condition better do not look at in this time. The hospital abused my legal rights, discriminated of my marriage and Asian traditional medical treatment; they are not against me personally, they against is the different culture.

The conclusion of the felling about me from doctor that they wrote on my medical record: verbally aggressive, too active and delusional, but they never realized how they treated me in the Metal Institution, and they even don’t allow me to use acupressure and practicing meditation to improving my health. With the court hearing, the judges wondered why hospital and doctor never mention how harmfully of the side effects I got effected, and why never told the court about the real reason I was in the hospital?

Since hospital want to get court order to let me back on anti-depression treatment again, I wish you would assistance me how I should protect my legal rights to stop anti-depression treatment to ruin my life again, and how could I exercise my legal rights to claim the damage with the medical treatment I received.


Nov. 30, 1995, my wife had an accident with head injury and the Ambulance sent her to Montreal General Hospital emergency for incentive care. During the medical treatment until she passed away, there are three point cost her to death:

1. Lost emotional support from the family: From the time when she arrived to hospital, the hospital never try to reach us that she has my business card with other family information in her purse, which caused her lost emotional support from the family.

2. Negligent and delay: From the time when she arrived to the hospital, she still speaks, remembers her name and told the doctor what her feeling was about. But with her head injury especially her head has a hemo with blood pressure; but the hospital never did any thing before the surgery even try to reduce the blood pressure; it was 7 hours delay from she arrived in hospital until the surgery she receive.

3. Abusive human basic right to live: Based of the doctors already confirmed that there is no finical problem, also no legal problem to keep her alive, with my request, we had a meeting with the doctors from the hospital on Dec. 4, 1995, even let’s say doctors believe she might have only 1% chance to recover as a normal person, I still want to keep her alive; and I mentioned on the meeting that I ready to sign the document with the hospital to allow doctors to use any positive medical treatment try to survive her. But on Dec. 5, 1995, without I knowing, the doctor put in order to remove the medication and life support to let her die. Although with my strong request after when I discovered, the hospital pretended that they already put back the medication and life support, unfortunately they never did. Dec. 8, 1995, she passed away.

Is it right to delay 7 hours to do the head surgery?

Is that that right as the hospital claimed “it’s normal to wait 7 hours to have a surgery since the doctor doesn’t think there is urgencies”, which they even never try to reduce her blood pressure in her head?

Is the hospital has a right to refuse the patient’s family to have a second opinion from other doctor with other hospital?

Is the hospital has a right to put in order to let the patient die even without mention to the family?

Members of the Administrative Tribunal of Québec, and members or commissioners of the Régie du logement or the Commission des lésions professionnelles

Conseil de la justice administrative
575, rue Saint-Amable, bureau RC-01
Québec (Québec) G1R 2G4
Telephone: 418-644-6279
Toll free: 1-888-848-2581
Fax: 418-528-8471

College des Medecins du Quebec
2170 Boul Rene-Levesque O
Montreal QC, H3H 2T8
Phone: 514-933-4441
Fax: 514-933-3112
Toll Free: 888-633-3246
website: www.cmq.org
email: info@cmq.org

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