Asians The study is carried out by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA), In half a century, however, a majority in all countries covered by "There is a clear agreement across the board that over the next half The survey did not specify in its questions which nation people "We can only infer what nation people had in mind when they answered China has become a global manufacturing power and is already China has also amassed the world's largest trade surplus and world's Asians, according to the survey, were quite comfortable with the rise Trust in the United States to act responsibly in the world is "low," |
這項調查是由美國獨立智囊機構芝加哥全球事務委員會開展的。 但從目前來看,美國在亞洲人心目中的地位仍然不可取代。 然而,這項在中國、印度、韓國和美國進行的調查表明,大多數人認為,在未來半個世紀內,"另一個國家"將會變得很強大,或是會超過美國。
但調查中並沒有涉及人們認為具體哪個國家將能與美國相媲美或能超過美國等問題。 鮑頓說:"我們隻能從人們的回答中進行推斷。"當被問及這個國家是不是中國時,鮑頓說:"我認為是。" 中國已成為全球製造業大國,並且取代美國成為很多國家的最大貿易夥伴。 此外,中國擁有世界上最大的貿易順差和外匯儲備。
調查顯示,亞洲人對於中國的崛起並不感到擔憂。 另外,人們對美國政府的信任感降低。