
思蘆 (熱門博主)
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(2011-08-07 13:24:23) 下一個


接到快遞送貨後,我先嚐試了Obi100的基本功能,連接Googlevoice打免費電話。這個步驟很容易,按照Obihai.com上的指示,5分鍾電話接通,打進打出都沒問題。比起以前裝spa1001時,折騰了兩三天時間才最後搞定,Obi100是太easy了。Obi100的原理說穿了並不複雜。它利用GoogleVoice可以把電話轉接到GoogleChat的功能,在盒子裏模仿GoogleChatGoogleVoice上注冊,讓GoogleVoice 把來電轉接到Obi100上。所以它不需要DID號來轉接,不像其他ATA盒子必須先注冊到能夠提供DID的第三方VOIP供應商,通過第三方來接收GoogleVoice的來電。好處是省略了中間的轉接,電話的接通更快了。Obi100盒子相當於一個小型PC,能夠完成GoogleVoice的客戶端的webcall功能,所以打出的電話也不需要sipsorcery來完成webcallback的功能。總之這個公司的這個主意相當smart,把很多服務器功能在盒子裏實現,通過買盒子賺錢。Obihai網站隻是提供web的配置服務。

基本電話接通以後,開始琢磨盒子的高級功能。Obi100spa1001一樣提供兩個可以同時打進打出的serviceprovider的注冊。區別是Obi100的兩個serviceproviders還可以配置為Googlevoice賬戶。其中之一作為默認的首選打出。而用另一個打出電話時,需要先撥**1或者**2Obi100的先進之處是提供VoipGateway的功能。用戶可以再配置四個不需注冊的voipservice providers。這四個SP隻能作為打出之用(可以根據電話目的地選擇不同話費),是一個非常方便的功能。

我用spa1001時,把line1注冊到sipsocery sipsocery通過sipgate連到googlevoice打美國免費電話。為了增加可靠性,Googlevoice還連接到ipcomms再轉接到sipsorcery。這樣的配置有一個缺點,就是sipsorcery仍然是單通點。如果sipsorcery出問題,電話就會打不通(時有發生)。另外,我把spa1001Line 2 注冊到Rynga.com,專打中國等國際電話。


試了幾次,我發現一個Obi100就完全可以滿足我的上述要求。 我現在的配置是SP1line1)用Googlevoice作為主要呼出,SP2Line2)注冊到sipsorcery,這樣呼入呼出都是雙線。Googlechat這一線是從Google直連Obi100,不通過sipsorcery,可靠性大大提高。用sipsorcery呼出時要先撥**2。我還在Obi100上配置了RyngaNonoh兩個VOIP providers打中國,用Rynga時,先撥**3;用Nonoh時,先撥**4;我的配置方法是:在obitalk網站,配置設備時,進入Obiexpert configuration:選擇 PhysicalInterfacesPhone,在Phone Port下,在DigitMap中,增加)|**3(Mvg3)|**4(Mvg4)|,增加後DigitMap變成 

提交後再到VoiceService:GatewayTrunkGrps, VoiceGateway 3 作如下配置
Name : Rynga
AccessNumber : SP2(sip.rynga.com)
DigitMap : (Mste)
AuthUserID : your_rynga_user_id
AuthPassword : your_rynga_password

VoiceGateway 4作如下配置
Name : Nonoh
AccessNumber : SP2(sip.nonoh.net)
DigitMap : (Mste)
AuthUserID : your_nonoh_user_id
AuthPassword : your_nonoh_password

最後,到User Defined DigitMap ,增加下列DigitMap
Label : ste
DigitMap :(1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|<1aaa>xxxxxxx|011xx.|(Mipd)|[^*]@@.'@'@@.)



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閱讀 ()評論 (9)
思蘆 回複 悄悄話 回複英台的評論:
1.Obi100可以用於任何地方。但是把obi100和Google Voice一起用,要受到地域限製,如果你能在canada申請到一個Google voice號碼,你就可以在加拿大用。
英台 回複 悄悄話 (1)在加拿大能用OBI100嗎?(2)OBI100能否作為普通的VOIP Phone adapter使用?例如,我能通過OBI100使用talktt.com 提供的VOIP服務嗎?謝謝。

思蘆 回複 悄悄話 回複tcl4u的評論:
your SS should register to some sip provider such as sipgate or ipKall as normal, no change needed for obi100, your obi100 you need to in SP2 or SP1, input your SS username and password, that is all. Yes, you should be able to use italkBB as service provider.
tcl4u 回複 悄悄話 Thank you for the info. I just bought an Obi100. It was indeed easy to set it up to use Google Voice. I have two questions for you: 1. How do I set up sipsocery for SP2? I suppose there are two parts. First is to configure sipsocery provider; second is to configure Obi100. Can you provide some detail? 2. Is it possible to configure iTalkBB as a SIP provider like nonoh?
soullessbody 回複 悄悄話 Thanks for sharing! I am looking for a home phone solution as my AT&T cell phone signal sucks. Will give it a try.
思蘆 回複 悄悄話 回複Iwanttofly的評論:
Solution is using a wireless router but using it as wireless bridge. Most wireless router can be use as bridge. Connect wireless bridge to your wireless internet, plug in obi100 into one of cat5e interfaces of wireless bridge.
思蘆 回複 悄悄話 回複bkgardener的評論:
Yes, Google voice allows port your existing number, you can check portability of your existing number in Google voice web.If not, you can first buy a t-mobile sim card on line with $6.99, then port your existing number to T-mobile, after that you can port the t-mobile number (your existing number) in google voice web by your self, Google will charge $20 for that.
bkgardener 回複 悄悄話 Can you keep existing phone number? Thanks
Iwanttofly 回複 悄悄話 If I only have wireless internet access, which means I can't plug the Obi100, how can I set it up? Is it possible to connect the Obi100 directly to the wireless internet? Thank you!