

Jacob Cycle (25:19-35:29)

(2006-12-15 18:18:31) 下一個

2. Jacob Cycle (25:19-35:29)

The Jacob cycle continues the themes of the Abraham cycle, including blessing, offspring, and land, but it gives each theme a new twist. The Abraham cycle dealt with fertility and offspring via the father-to-son relationship. The Jacob cycle analyzes the brother to brother relationship within the promise. If there is more than one son, who should inherit the promise? Is there an iron-clad law that the firstborn gets it? The action of these stories is driven by sibling rivalry.
    Jacob, impelled by his own (and sometimes his mother's) scheming and trickiness, connived to possess the blessing. Do we see here a reprise of primeval sin, trying to steal rather than await God's favor. The Jacob cycle proceeds in a threefold series of struggles. First, Jacob outwits his twin brother, Esau, to gain possession of the family birthright. Second, Jacob outmaneuvers his uncle Laban and acquires substantial wealth. Third, Jacob outlasts God in a wrestling match, determined to receive divine blessing.

 Figure 2.6 Jacob's Travels. Most of the sites associated with Jacob are located in northern Palestine and Transjordan, especially the tribal territories of Ephraim and Manasseh. With its interest in this region, especially Bethel and Penuel (for a time the capital of Jeroboam's kingdom, see 1 Kings 12:25), the Jacob cycle seems to legitimate the beginnings of the Northern Kingdom's religious institutions.

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