

California Homosexual Agenda

(2006-12-02 21:56:33) 下一個

California Homosexual Agenda
(This information is copied from a Focus on the Family mailer. 
I just found this.  Its a bit late.  But better late than never.)

     The homosexual agenda is raging in the California legislature, but there is hope if concerned citizens do their part and get involved.   Anti-family legislators have introduced bills to push homosexuality on all parts of society and penalize citizens who are morally opposed to homosexual behavior.   Committee votes will begin in late March or early April on the following bills:

AB=Assembly Bill       SB=Senate Bill    (Sponsor name in parenthesis)

AB 222 (Kuehl) and SB 1260 (Hayden):  Promoting Homosexuality and Bisexuality to Schoolchildren.
     AB 222
would result in homosexual curriculum and promotion of homosexual "marriage" to students in K-12 public schools, public colleges and universities.  Quotas for homosexual instructors would be indirectly pursued, and federal "hate crime" funds would be used to punish schools that resist the gay agenda.  If AB 222 passes, religious schools who do not comply could be banned from interscholastic sports leagues, and students at religious colleges could be prohibited from receiving state financial aid.  A second bill, SB1260, would require homosexual curriculum to be taught to schoolchildren as young as kindergarten, including mandated sessions on "homophobia."

AB 1001 (Villaraigosa):  Tax-funded Investigations and Fines Against Citizens Who Oppose Homosexuality
     AB 1001 awards official minority status for homosexuality and bisexuality, putting "sexual orientation" on the same level as race and ethnicity in the powerful Faith Employment and Housing Act (FEHA).  This could result in tax-funded investigations and $25,000 fines against property owners, business owners, Bible bookstores, religious radio stations, and even some churches that oppose homosexuality.   Also, because this bill declares homosexuality or bisexuality to be an official "civil right," if passed, children in public schools will be taught all about the homosexual political movement.

Homosexual Marriage "Partnership" Bills
     Four bills would create homosexual-marriage "partnerships" to award official government status and marriage benefits to homosexuals; AB 26 (Migden), AB 107 (Knox), SB 75 (Murry), and SB 118 (Hayden).  These "domestic partners" bills would undermine the sacred institution of marriage and promote same-sex "marriage" (95% of "domestic partners" are homosexuals).  If these bills pass, it will be more difficult to legally protect California from homosexual "marriage" and its accompanying negative consequences.


Action Steps

Step 1
     Contact your own assemblymember and state senator to urge them to "Oppose AB 1001, AB 222, and the rest of the gay agenda bills."
     Phone, fax, e-mail, make personal visits, or write your assemblymember, being sure to use his or her full name at:  State Capitol, Sacramento, CA  95814
Go to the front of your phone book, look under the "Government" pages under Assembly and State Senate, or go to the Internet at www.capitolresource.org where you can find your state legislators by entering your zip code.

Step 2
     The legislators who are critically important to the outcome on these issues are listed below.  Please contact these key legislators, in addition to your own assemblymember, and urge them to "Protect schoolchildren and citizens from government-sponsored homosexuality.  Oppose AB 1001, AB 222, and the rest of the gay legislative agenda."

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