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I cried every time I went online and read the stories about the catasrophic earthquake. I am crying not only for the dead, but for the living most of all.
The whole China is being mobilized after the tragedy. Not by orders , but by the pure spirit of love and care.
All the blood banks in China are full. Money poured in from millionairs and street baggers alike.
Teachers gave their lives protecting students during the quake, thousands of soldiers went in using their hands to shovel the earth and stone. Mothers in other areas are adopting kids orphaned by the quake.
Tonight, there IS only one China, we're all Chinese. Taiwan government and citizens have donated millions of dollars to mainland China.
The tragedy literally brings out the best from all Chinese.
We all have been sometimes bitter, cynic. We all have our own problems: money always in short supply, society not fair, and corrupted officials . But today, we are each and every one of us heroes. We are the invisible yet invincible Great Wall!
We are strong! We are unbeatable!
I am so proud to be a Chinese and want to be a Chinese in the next life and the next.