


(2007-06-17 18:39:34) 下一個
by A-mao




早上送女兒上班,就開始了思想教育:“8.5 dollars per hour. That's for illegal immigrants,right? Let's see you work 8 hours a day, you would have roughly 75dollars. Take tax away, you likely get 50 bucks. Let's assume you work30 days per month, then you would earn 1500 bucks per month, and 18Kper year. Not much, is it?”

“Hey, it's a lot for me.”女兒連忙反駁。

“Ok,let take a look how much a college graduate earn. In my field, theminimal salary is 25K for entry level. If in electric engineering oraccounting field, it should be 50-60K, plus benefit from employer. So,a college degree is a good thing to go, right? You better choose yourmajor carefully since there is a big difference between differentfields.”

“I know. That's why poor get poorer. What's the tax for?”女兒問老爸。

“Federal tax and state tax are for government spending.”

“I know this, some of the tax is for Iraq war. What about the social security?”

“Youlearnt from your history book about why it was established, right? Agood purpose, but not a good way for investment of your retirement. Themoney is used to pay retired people, and the rest is invested mainly ingovernment bond--the government gets low-interest loan. So it's notproperly invested. And the worst, of course, nobody knows how long itwill last. By the time you retire, I am not sure there is any moneyleft. So don't count it.”

“I know. Hopefully I don't have to payfederal tax. 50 bucks a day isok for me now. BTW, I need to get a bikethis weekend so I can run betweenn jobs.”

“Then, don;t count yesterday's and today's money--it might be enough for your bike, huh.”

“Don't make me depressed.” 女兒抗議了。


Welcome my daughter to the real world!
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