by ILEM*********************
When I was playing with kids upstairs last Sunday evening, the doorbell suddenly ringed.
Dabao and Erbao quickly dropped the toys from the hand and headed for the door with full speed, they opened the door, but nobody was there.
They went out to see who ringed the bell but with no luck. Surperisely, there’s a plate full of decorated holiday cookiesleft at the door, a piece of paper was under the plate which said:
You’ve been jingled
Passa little holiday cheer (of your choice) to two neighbors and help keep spirit bright. Please tape the snowman to your door so everyone knowsyou’ve been jingled. And give others the chance to feel the warmth of the holiday season!
Happy Jingling All the Way!

Wow,that’s a pretty Christmas gift from one of our neighbors.
Dabao said the delivery guy perhaps had reindeer so that he could run away sofast. :-) I guess the gift was from our new neighbor across the street who just moved in our community this summer.
They go to church regularly and very nice to us. They have 6 kids, 4 girls and 2 boysrespectively, from 2yrs to 13 yrs old, and all of them love to play with our kids.
Anyway, the kids were very excited to be jingled. Dabao wrote his first wish list to Santa, he then asked me to sing the song"Jingle Bell" while he played the piano, which was his favorite song right now. Erbao emulated Dabao and wrote a few words to Santa as well.I sang the song with full of wish.
jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way!