
寫日記的另一層妙用,就是一天辛苦下來,夜深人靜,借境調心,景與心會。有了這種時時靜悟的簡靜心態, 才有了對生活的敬重。
不忘中囯 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

不忘中囯之250: The Chinese Proud

(2009-10-01 23:27:01) 下一個

Thanks for sharing the pictures.

I watched national day parade of 1984 on TV (not a holiday in HK back then but I went to school in PM back then) along with my late grandmother. She was overjoyed seeing that China had modern weapons and country much stronger than what she experienced in most of her life time. The only image I could remember was Deng Xiaoping riding a car on TV and my grandmother saying "ho lor ho lor, chung kwok yee gar keung lor" (hao le hao le, zhong guo xian zai qiang le).

Note that she was from a major landowner clan in Guangdong Province that was destroyed as a result of because of the revolution and bore grudges against the Party. Nonetheless, she cheered for the achievements of the country. The moral of the anecdote is: no matter what "ism" you follow, the goal is common - to rejuvenate the nation.


Best Regards,

Alan Li

Yes, the dragon has come back.


Thanks for sharing with me these photos. We are proud of being Chinese living in the great time.

Happy holidays.


Thanks a lot. The parade was very impressive and touching indeed.

Photos are well taken. Happy National Day,

Xiao Min

That’s certainly from someone who falls into Pak’s category of “I LOVE CHINA ”.

Unfortunately, the HK market thinks otherwise… HSI now down 486 points so far today…or the US is so scared yesterday night by Michael’s photos….

Feng Zhiwei

Thanks for sharing the photos Michael, such a historic event for China ! must have to say watching the parades on TV made me quite proud to be a Chinese :)

Happy national day!

Stella Chow

xie xie ni de zhao pian!

Wow, these are impressive fotos.. were they professionally taken?

Wish I was there. it was a very special day yday.. and a special time for china now.

Your parents must've gone through so much during the 50s 60s 70s 80s.. i can imagine how emotional they must've felt.

Think all ethnic Chinese should be proud.

now where can i buy some A-shares ;) !

Mui, Gary

Subject: FW: Photos of 60th National Day Celebration

When I wake up this morning, I can hear everybody around me talking about the military parade and the celebration show in the evening for the 60th PRC national day.

I also noticed that my parents cried in front of TV screen last morning and last night

As reported, the amount of people going out for travel on Oct.1 2009 is much lower than the past few years as people choose to stay at home and enjoy the National day show.

It is obviously a party for 1.3bn people and the performance achieved in the past 60 years underpinned their proud. Even BBC has to accept the fact.

There are 200,000 performers involved in the show in the TianAn Men.

The amount of firework is 2X as much as the Olympics.

There are more…….You can see by the photos

There is no doubt A share is a long-term buy, if the whole country can maintain this kind of moral going forward, not mentioning the A/H premium is at historical low.

Enjoy the attached photos and I wish you all joining me to celebrate the 60th birthday of China .

Have a good weekend



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