BeautyinAutumn (熱門博主)
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東行記 (三)…新澤西看房子

(2008-11-22 21:54:33) 下一個


除了飲食起居一應顧到,我們抵達的第二天,公司請了 Relocation 專職人員在早餐時開講座,讓我們熟悉當地的環境,接著把我們員工和家屬一並帶到公司總部參觀,那頓午飯雖是在員工餐廳邊的小宴會廳吃自助餐,味道可說是我吃過的眾多員工餐廳最好的。吃完飯,員工得以麵會即將共事的同事和上司,家屬和孩子們得以喝咖啡聊天上網。


家屬們吃好喝好聊好,員工們也上司下屬統統見過,大旅遊車載著我們在方圓三十英裏左右的範圍內一個小城一個小城的轉悠,東部的小城鎮與西部的不大一樣,那裏水份多,到處都是綠得讓人心醉的綠草地,又正值深秋,紅紅黃黃的楓葉把一個小城鎮裝點的色彩燦爛、詩意盎然。民宅更是與加州的風格截然不同,一個個正正規規的殖民地風格的房屋,就像《小鬼當家》電影裏麵的那樣,還有那種帶著很重歐式風情的 Tutor 有尖頂的房屋,我非常喜歡。

記得有個中形的城鎮叫 Montclair, 我很鍾情,一條長長的街道,形形色色的店鋪,旁邊一個個小街巷,樹枝般的延伸著,街邊的咖啡店一張張座椅等著人入座,悠閑的行人牽著狗兒漫不經心的邊走邊看,畫廊和藝術品店琳琅滿目,空氣中飄著意大利食物的香味。有一條街,我看得好眼熟,好像去過似的,便問導遊,導遊說那是類似紐約蘇荷區的風格,所以我會有似曾相識的感覺。那個小城有鐵路通往曼哈頓,隻需三十五分鍾就可以從這個寧靜的花園之地進入國際大都市紐約,怪不得很多人住在新澤西的郊外,乘公共交通車去紐約上班。


總的來說,東部的房子相對加州的房子,又大又便宜,雖說新澤西的房子在整個東部亦算是價格不低的了。最讓我們 impress 的 是每間房子不僅麵積大,而且還幾乎都有一個巨大的地下室。大多數我們看的房子人家都把地下室裝修好了,有的成了遊戲室,有的成了家庭電影院,還有的成了健身房。另外一個讓我們 impress 的特點是很多房子的後院非常得大,有的後麵直通樹林,完全看不到左右隔壁的鄰居。

不過,東部的房子也有讓我們“跌碎眼鏡”的地方:首先,大多數人家的風格似乎還是加州二十年前的樣子:花花綠綠的牆紙,看得人眼花繚亂;很多人家喜歡把牆塗成鮮豔的紅色,廚房和衛生間的式樣都跟不上時代的步伐。還有大多數人家的後院都沒有欄杆,讓我們看慣了加州一家家木欄杆籬笆牆的覺得有點羨慕這樣的自然景觀,又有點不習慣如此這樣的沒有隱私。令人影響最深刻的是新澤西州相對加州高很多的地產稅,加州灣區的地產稅是房價的 1.125%, 新州沒有固定的百分比率,每棟房子的地產稅都不一樣,有的八九十萬的房子,地產稅可高達兩萬塊一年。讓我們感到有點不可思議!




這棟六十多萬的四室兩衛的 split level 的房子,門前的楓樹金黃詩意,屋頂有閣樓,屋下有地下室,隻是廚房老式,衛生間也需要重新做過,家庭間的格局也是稀奇古怪,如果,我從太平洋岸搬來大西洋岸,就為了把這個“螃蟹( crappy ) ” 屋改裝成理想屋,好像也太多工作了。




總算看到一棟 兩個人都比較滿意的房子。門前的小徑鋪滿彩色的落葉,前院的綠草坪上兩個紅楓樹像兩個巨大的紅傘把秋天的美麗盡情地撐起,那尖頂的 Tutor 式風格滿足我對 style 和獨特的苛刻要求。四室三衛,還有陽光房和遊泳池,廚房還算現代化,衛生間裏的獅爪歐式浴缸是我的最愛。經紀卻告訴我們,這棟房子已在市場上快一年了,從開始的一百二十萬跌到今天的九十萬,仍然無人問津。看來東部的房產也跌了不少,這樣的市場,我們衝進去,是不是自投羅網?!







東行記 (四) ….危機中的思索
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閱讀 ()評論 (22)
BeautyinAutumn 回複 悄悄話 回複weandwe的評論:Thank you so much for all the information and it is very helpful! Please keep in touch. You sounds like an expert in that area. I may have more questions to ask you .
weandwe 回複 悄悄話 回複BeautyinAutumn的評論:

You can ask relocation staff to take your family to see more towns in Morris county next time. I don't think you should only focus in Essex county.

When I moved to NJ from NY, the relocation also took me to see the houses in Essex county. But after I drove around myself, I was so shocked to see the neighbor towns of Livingston and Millburn were in such terrible shapes and I don't want to live in a town which can be invaded later when I have to sell my house. And I don't want to pay the taxes most of which went to support those towns. That is why I choose to move to Montville which is surrounded by all the upper middle-class towns.

It take same time driving to Livingston or Millburn as to some towns in Morris County. My company's CEO lives in Morristown. Many middle level directors live in Montville, Baskingridge, and Bernardsville.

I don't suggest Bergen county at all. $900,000 in Bergen can only buy a small old house. $700,000 -$800,000 in Morris can buy a very good house in an upper middleclass community.
weandwe 回複 悄悄話 回複BeautyinAutumn的評論:
Regarding to the house prices in NJ:

From 1994-2000, the house prices in North Jersey basically were not changed much as those years were just after the ned of one bubble. From 2001 to 2007, there were a big jump. Summer of 2006 to spring of 2007 are the peak time.
Most houses in North Jersey have fallen to 2003 or 2004's price level at fall of 2008. Taken several same year and similar style houses I persoanlly knew in Montville as examples, $490,000(not upgraded) in 2001, $650,000(not upgraded) in 2003, $810,000(not upgraded) in 2006, $700,000 (totally upgraded) in 2008. I don't think the price will fall below 2001's level. So if you are buying now or next year, it is a good time.

weandwe 回複 悄悄話 回複BeautyinAutumn的評論:
North Caldwell and Exssex Fell are both very nice towns in Exssex county. Caldwell and West Caldwell are also very nice. West Caldwell's highschool is very good. I like West Caldwell better. Fairfield is a all-white town, but many houses in Fairfield are in the flood zone.

Personally I like Morris county better than Essex county. Essex county has too many poor and unsafe towns and tax are way too high. In Morris county, you can use all the local libraries. But in Essex county, you only can use your own town's library. Most higher level managers live in Morris county.

All the towns after passing Willowbrook Mall along Rt 46 are very nice. On the north side, Fairfield is an all-white town. On the north side, West Caldwell is very good. Next is Montville which was in the top 20 towns in Money magazine 2006. The next town Parsippany, which was also in the top 20 in 2007's Money magazine, is the second largest town in NJ. Parsippany's school is not as good as that of Montville. Parsippany has a large Chinese Church with more than 1000 people worshiping every weekend. Parsippany also has a very good public golf court.The next town Mountainlake is an old-money town, with every houses over million dollars and 80% male residents are CEOs.

You can check school report, tax, recent houses price trend and many other NJ local information at:


You can check the current available houses in NJ MLS website and realtor.com websites.

You can check the tax information and sold price information(change to the county and town you want and enter street name, you will see all the houses on the street with tax and sold price information) :
BeautyinAutumn 回複 悄悄話 回複weandwe的評論:Thank you very much for the information.During our last trip to NJ, The Realtor showed us houses in 4 towns in Essex county including Livingston, Millburn,North Calldwell and Essex Fells. Of the four, we liked North Calldwell and Essex Fells better, which have much larger lots and houses. The streets are lined with lots of trees and gave us a feel of up-scale neighborhoods. But Livingston and Millburn's schools are better. What do you think of these 2 towns?
weandwe 回複 悄悄話 Livingston and Millburn are the two best towns in Essex county, but they wanted to get out this county a few years ago because there are so many poor and unsafe towns, such as Newark, Orange, East Orange, South Orange and Irvington, in this county to push the taxes so high. Livingston is very nice, but the houses are very small and old.

Montclair is close to Nutley, but only upper Montclair is decent. If you go to Montcliar's high school, you will see too many black kids hanging around. I don't suggest Montclair.

I suggest Montville in Morris County. It is about 25 min drive from Montville to Nutley by Rt 46 and RT 3. There is a train station to NYC. You also can drive 10 min to park at Rt23 or Willowbrookmall to take non-stop express bus (only 35 to 40 min) to NYC. The school system is one of the best in NJ. You can buy a 3000 sqft central hall colonial( 0.5 AC land, built around 1970-1980, with all hardwood floor, and full-finished basement) with $700,000-$750,000 in today's market, which fell to 2003 's price level. The tax is around $11,000-$13,000 with such houses.

I lived there for 10 years before I moved to East Brunswick.

17 Brittany Rd was just listed and asked for $745,000.


9 Merlin Pl is just under contract and alowed to $709,000 before under contract.


muckelchen 回複 悄悄話 回複風行水上的評論:
風行水上 回複 悄悄話 東部房子便宜?你得看哪兒了,新澤西這樣的大村是稍便宜點,你看看波士頓的房子,還前後大院,沒那大院也得幾百萬。
虎妞娃娃 回複 悄悄話 這種房子還叫貴呀。。。無語。。。從舊金山灣區過去的話,50萬的房子比這裏的百萬都要好耶。。。那個院子(直掉口水),那個地下室。。。裝修也是。。。廚房廁所在灣區不叫裝修好不好,那叫做小改裝。。。
muckelchen 回複 悄悄話 怎麽房子還是很貴啊
留意 回複 悄悄話 實實在在的好文章。
nywalker 回複 悄悄話 你看的地方不太適合年輕華人居住,如果上班在曼哈頓的話,看看Edgewater, Englewood Cliffs 或 Fort Lee, 這三個Town 很好。第一個view 很好,後兩個地區好,到哪裏都很近,小孩上學的話,後兩個學區好。不過價錢都在80萬以上。
BeautyinAutumn 回複 悄悄話 回複nicehigh81的評論:悲觀了一點兒了。Cheer up!
nicehigh81 回複 悄悄話 Another woman's sickness, but thanks for sharing. Wish you never hate ploughing the snow and sweeping the leaf; most important, save your lifes on the car driving and Chinese food shopping.

Good luck.
BeautyinAutumn 回複 悄悄話 回複毛蟲兒的評論:你說得很有道理。家的意義就是全家人在一起,無論怎樣。記得陪女兒小的時候看一個動畫片《lilo and Stitch》裏說的:Family means nobody's left behind. 我們也在思考這個問題。謝謝你的提醒。
毛蟲兒 回複 悄悄話 兩人一定要一起,地方不是太重要,分開了就不象一個家了,男人就管不住了。 我喜歡加州的四季陽光,喜歡華人多的地方,老公喜歡四季分明的地方,但最終他還是聽取我的意見。無論如何留在離舊金山不遠的地方。香港是我們的夢想的生活和工作之地,這樣我們可以常回中國,又感覺到一種中西合璧的生活方式。
BeautyinAutumn 回複 悄悄話 回複太陽屋的評論:搬不搬去,至今沒定,下麵還有一集,寫的就是我們的猶豫。
太陽屋 回複 悄悄話 住過NJ。如果是MILBURN 附近,shorthill是最好的town,但那裏不會有百萬以下的房子。Livingston和 morristown 附近都很漂亮。價格也不低。其實現在的房情,真要去,也許先租不是個壞主意, 當然你們有你們的Relocation Package。
beautyinautumn 回複 悄悄話 回複mizi的評論:大多是Essex County的房子,一來LG的公司在那裏,二來NJ排名第一的學校也在那裏。(Milburm High School)

mizi 回複 悄悄話 海雲,看來你看的是新州北部BERGEN等郡的房子,那是新州開發最早的區域,人口密度極高。從你的照片來看,除了最後的那棟,其餘都是至少三、四十年的房子,那棟Tudor可能都上百年了。如果你能看一些房齡年輕些的,絕對會是不同的感覺,至少不會有那些花花綠綠的牆紙:)如果你有機會去PRINCETON,MORRISTOWN,COLTS NECK這些鎮,你一定會很喜歡。但話說回來,在新州學區好、距離紐約一個小時車程以內的房子,3000尺以上(不包括地下室),房齡年輕些且保養得好的,房價至少近百萬或過百萬,地稅也至少在一萬八以上。如果你再來新州,我可以給你當“導遊”,但我可不是房地產經紀喲。