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燕那天晚上,把那首英文詩“有時候”伊妹兒給了 Doug ,其它什麽都沒說。
一個星期後, Doug 才回伊妹兒,也是什麽都沒提,隻寄來一首英文詩:
I often wonder when the twilight is cast upon your street
if you suddenly pause think of me and wonder where I could be in the bustling crowd.
Who in the crowd would notice your sad face,
Who would recognize the pain in your heart.
My dear friend, today, who can tell you of my regret and sadness.
Two cities so remote and distant the lights glow with a similar brilliance.
我常揣想 當暮色已降 走 過街角的你 會不會忽然停 步 忽然之 間 把我想起
而在那 擁擠的人群之中 有 誰 會注意 你突然 陰暗的麵容 有 誰 能知道 你心中刹那的疼痛
啊 我 親愛的朋友 有 誰 能告訴你 我今日的歉疚和 憂傷 距離那 樣遙遠的兩個城市裏 燈火一 樣輝 煌
那時燕與他談論她喜歡的詩人和詩,提到席夢容,奇怪的是在席夢容眾多的詩篇中, 燕偏偏選了這首給他,而 Doug 收到之後也沒有再提起過。 今天卻在這場網戀的尾聲,傳過來他翻譯的詩文。
燕一邊流淚一邊念著詩文一邊想著這一切都是天意!他們以舒婷的“也許”開始了這場婚姻以外的戀愛,冥冥之中預示了路開始已經錯,終究還是錯, 而他們的心事終究是沒有讀者。在一份短暫的絢爛之後,卻以席夢容的“揣想的憂鬱”結束了這場錯誤,而唯一留下的便是這想起時的心痛!
那天夜裏,燕很晚才進臥室,輕手輕腳不想驚動她以為睡熟的丈夫。在她輕輕的躺上床不久,丈夫伸過來一支胳臂,放在燕的頭頸下麵。燕聞著這熟悉的男人的體味,真正意識到與 Doug 的這段戀情隻是她生命中的一季花開, Doug 也隻是她心際裏劃過的一顆流星,而身邊這個摟住自己的男人才是與自己相依相隨一生的人。 她鼻子一酸,說不清理由默默地流下了眼淚,老公一手摟著他,另一隻手輕輕拍擊著她的背,像是在哄著一個孩子,而燕也就在老公的輕拍之下,象嬰兒般的沉沉地睡去。
When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.
You are absolutely right. If a man does like a woman, having sex with her is a necessary but insufficient condition.
Some men contrive sex by promising long term relationships. Some women keep on prospecting better long term relationships by commiting to one night stands.
Congratulations on the hit count of your recent work. Keep up the good work. It can only get better. I have faith in you. You might want to dig deeper on the topic of the day--Chinese women's insatiable fetish of Western men. Especially those from under developed part of China, those who are new to the West those who are not career established, and those who cannot tell the difference between Hispanics, Arabs and Anglo Saxons.