Umbralla sky

來源: 胡華泠 2017-01-18 19:38:12 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (741 bytes)
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Umbralla sky

Sha Yan

Umbralla sky
she leashed in front of my eyes
blue, pink, violet slayers fry
so much like to sing a song, not a spy

umbralla sky
links to east fast food court glide
open the windows the maid laid in her bebroom
no such lie, gleam cleans the closet

umbralla sky
his rye and distant desert sky
not a moment of silence, key to a dismay clea
open the shadow, mealows sledge to a song

umbralla sky
camera shots and distant murmur cries
clear the trace in front of the pathway
open the umbralla, win the champaign and unleash for the line


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