
來源: 奔馳野馬 2022-08-18 15:25:42 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2195 bytes)


However, chronic, excessive sustained endurance exercise may cause adverse structural remodeling of the heart and large arteries. An evolving body of data indicates that chronically training for and participating in extreme endurance competitions such as marathons, ultra-marathons, Iron-man distance triathlons, very long distance bicycle racing, etc., can cause transient acute volume overload of the atria and right ventricle, with transient reductions in right ventricular ejection fraction and elevations of cardiac biomarkers, all of which generally return to normal within seven to ten days. In veteran extreme endurance athletes, this recurrent myocardial injury and repair may eventually result in patchy myocardial fibrosis, particularly in the atria, interventricular septum and right ventricle, potentially creating a substrate for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Furthermore, chronic, excessive, sustained, high-intensity endurance exercise may be associated with diastolic dysfunction, large-artery wall stiffening and coronary artery calcification.


Cardiovascular Damage Resulting from Chronic Excessive Endurance Exercise



不做這個本來是因為懶,現在找到理論根據啦,哈哈。 -<好片>- 給 <好片> 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 15:29:15

想冰吃下雹子 -喵兒爸- 給 喵兒爸 發送悄悄話 喵兒爸 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 16:03:59

看了你文中數據,所謂vigorous運動強度,不少業餘選手即使想也達不到啊 -清水勝濃茶- 給 清水勝濃茶 發送悄悄話 (232 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 16:29:29

我的看法: -光鹽行者- 給 光鹽行者 發送悄悄話 光鹽行者 的博客首頁 (311 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 17:30:30

嗯,聽蝲蝲蛄叫就不種地了 -喵兒爸- 給 喵兒爸 發送悄悄話 喵兒爸 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 17:32:50

這樣的研究可能正方反方都能找出一些來。每個人身體條件不同,聽自己身體的聲音就好了。人活一輩子,做快樂的選擇, -gossipgirl8- 給 gossipgirl8 發送悄悄話 gossipgirl8 的博客首頁 (35 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 17:32:20

這種帖子這裏最好不要發, 各種不同意的。 -SerendipityA- 給 SerendipityA 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 19:06:00

樓主問大家看法,怎麽想就怎麽說唄,發了帖子沒人理也不好吧,禮尚往來嘛 -喵兒爸- 給 喵兒爸 發送悄悄話 喵兒爸 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 19:10:10

我個人覺得發什麽帖沒問題, -光鹽行者- 給 光鹽行者 發送悄悄話 光鹽行者 的博客首頁 (185 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 21:11:32

沒完沒了就是stalking了 -喵兒爸- 給 喵兒爸 發送悄悄話 喵兒爸 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 21:18:52

個體反應不同,有的好,有點掛。 -Redcheetah- 給 Redcheetah 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2022 postreply 23:08:38

是肯定的,發動機長期過載磨損,沒有修複 -修車工- 給 修車工 發送悄悄話 修車工 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/19/2022 postreply 10:46:14

讀過這個。 -布蘭雅- 給 布蘭雅 發送悄悄話 布蘭雅 的博客首頁 (134 bytes) () 08/19/2022 postreply 11:24:03



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