是runner's high,不是別的。
關於runner's high,網上的定義是這樣的:The reward of a runner's high is like a rush – a feeling of pure euphoria that releases new energy reserves. The intensity and duration of the high can't be measured precisely – and it always depends on the situation and the runner.
我雖不跑馬打鐵,但也經常跑個幾邁到十幾邁的。印象中就沒有high過。也許是對euphoria (欣快感)有誤解,跑的過程感覺是: 提不起勁,慢慢預熱,有點累,累,終於搞完了。記不得有欣快感的時候。
今天剛開始也是rough start,臨出門排空了膀胱,誰知跑出不久又尿意襲人,這都是咖啡惹的禍,心想大不了去趟加油站,就接著跑。路上還超了倆美女,讓我有些欣快感,不過這個肯定不是runner's high。跑上一個大坡後往回跑,到4邁左右的時候有一個小坡,我突然覺的腳步輕快了一些,有種跳羚跑起來的那種騰空感,腳底像是裝了彈簧一樣。當時想,這大概就是runner's high吧! 差不多持續了1/4邁左右,開始上一個更大點的坡然後開始吃力。
關於runner's high的另外一個描述:Push a little longer and gravity will suddenly release its hold on those heavy legs. Running will almost feel like floating. You literally feel elevated. Welcome to the runner's high club. After you've felt the reward of that extended effort, your perception changes. You'll want to chase this feeling again and again.
我斷言,這個就是runner's high!如果連這個都不是的話,誰還能嗨到天上去?!
其實,這種感覺以前還是有的,隻是沒當回事兒,以為runner's high要嗨的多的多。今天經曆了,確認了,但願以後常嗨多嗨久嗨。