
本帖於 2023-06-15 13:34:43 時間, 由版主 布蘭雅 編輯



戶外三式:有支援,自助,無支援(Supported, Self-Supported, and Unsupported)

前些天我寫了個 大峽穀穿越,提到了我屬於 “無支援”,Unsupported 。好像誰問了一下到底什麽含義。當時忙,現在說一下。

首先提一下 "FKT",美國一種自發組織的越野賽事,Fastest Known Time,已知最快時間。和一般正規的馬拉鬆比賽不同,形式多樣,參賽選手,時間和路線比較鬆散,但規則也是嚴格的,因為有記錄。比如大峽穀穿越,越野超馬,太平洋步道,阿帕拉契亞步道等等。因為時間長,食物,水,衣服以及各種物質都要安排好。

我的R3采用了的“無支援”方式,Unsupported,一天來回。所有食物,水都要自己背著,唯一可以從外麵獲得的,是從河流裏取水,所以我帶了過濾瓶。大峽穀沿途有幾處可以自來水龍頭,理論上不可以。因為要完全來自大自然。但FKT是允許的,“is fine”。為了保護繁忙的大峽穀的環境,廁所可以使用,不需要自己把釋放的東西背回來。無支援,不允許任何人幫助你,全靠你自己。連別人幫你拍照都不行,你可以自拍。也不能有朋友在路上給你當啦啦隊加油,那屬於精神“支援”。你的親人朋友,隻能在起點線之前,和終點線之後給你加油。


“有支援式”,Supported: 你有你自己專門的支援團,Crew ,你的家人,親友。他們可以沿途“青蛙跳”,在休息站給你送食物,水,衣服,給你椅子坐,按摩。等你開跑以後,他們開車到下一個休息站,這樣你就可以被很少的東西。可以有“私兔”,就是專人分段陪跑。當然可以給你拍照,加油呐喊。唯一不能做的,是不能協助你跑,扶著你,背著你,拉著你都是不可以的。但是沿途給你遞水是可以的。一般的100邁比賽,就是全程有支援的。雖然已經不算FKT。



Unsupported means you truly have no external support of any kind. This means you carry everything you need from start to finish except water from natural sources (public taps along the trail are fine, but no water from any commercial source even if free). This naturally limits the length of an Unsupported trip.  Spectating in person by friends, family, or photographers is supportive, and thus not in the spirit of this style, and will be classified as Supported starting February 4, 2021 (all FKT classifications previous to this date will remain unchanged). Phone and digital communication is not considered support, and spectators and support people at the start and finish is also allowed.  Using public bathrooms to defecate is fine, as the less feces in the backcountry the better.


Self-Supported means you may have as much support as you can manage or find along the way, but not from any thing or person just for you; any support you employ must be equally available to anyone else. This can range from caching supplies in advance, purchasing supplies along the way, staying at motels, to finding or begging for food or water; camping in a friends yard would be Supported, because that is not available to the public.  Most long thru-hiking routes are done Self-Supported.  To get a Self-Supported FKT you also have to beat the fastest Unsupported time.  Spectating will be considered as Support starting February 4, 2021 (no previous FKT classifications will be changed).


Supported trips can have as much support means you can enlist, as long as you are entirely self-powered. This can range from one person handing you water once, to an entire team that accompanies you the whole distance giving you everything (except physical assistance). Whether it’s just once or continuously, any support at all means it’s a Supported trip.  On longer routes, Supported can enable the fastest trips due to the ability to carry less weight.  To get a Supported FKT you also have to beat the fastest Self-Supported and Unsupported times.
