回複:中國樓市炒家正在瘋狂出逃 - high valuation

回答: 昨天:中國樓市炒家正在瘋狂出逃baohulu2012-11-23 23:17:11

This article may exaggerate a little bit. However, I agreed that the real estate in China won't sustain with such high valuation. Not sure if the housing bubble like USA will repeat in China since the most houses have high percentage of equity. But I doubt if there is any room for the housing price to continue growing not even mentioning the potential risk of global warming, high pollution and natural disaster which may make the properties deappreicate substantially sooner or later. If you have properties in China as investment, it's better to cash out and put money in USA real estate market.


以國人做事一窩風的特性,房市是在劫難逃~~~ -虎落平原- 給 虎落平原 發送悄悄話 虎落平原 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/24/2012 postreply 19:38:15
