回複:關於購房down payment資金的問題 -福大命大- ♂

1. 銀行不接受你父母的贈款可以理解,因為他們批準的是你貸款金額,如果你的downpay是借來的, 那你的還款金額就變大了,銀行貸款的風險就大了。

2. 但是拒絕你的2nd stock brokerage acct 就沒有任何理由了, even you did not list it in your initial application. Yet all transactions need to be "recorded and traced", it refers to the fact that you can show the Origination of the funds, so if you can supply your 2nd stock acct statement showing all funds was originally under your name, then there is no any reason for them to deny your application.


3. They did not reply to your email or phone call, most likely it was because they were busy.  If your loan application was declined, they will need to notify you formally rather than just ignoring you.

4.  I went through the similar process, out of 30 calls i made, they were only able to pick up the phone once or twice, which indeed drove me crazy, they were simply too busy.


Good luck



Thank you for you kind reply. I'll keep you updated about what h -福大命大- 給 福大命大 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/05/2012 postreply 01:38:33
