In term of a system, if there is a node/module only takes input, then technically it's a 滅點, which then means IMO it's OK to delete it.
Of course it takes 相當的修煉 to reach LZ's 境界,but: When 事不可為, there is nothing wrong to 退則明哲保身 which you probably should. When possible, you want to protect whole family. When you are more powerful, then try 帶領族人占山為王,then 偏安一隅, or even 統一天下…… 怕就怕,當你想振臂一呼的時候,發現自己沒有能力。空談什麽精神境界?
即便是老莊入世出世,他們的精神也感召著後人,治大國若烹小鮮也不乏積極之處。相比魏晉的清談,似是而非,有什麽用?To make a positive difference, that's my personal philosophy. On the other hand, if not you, then someone else will be in position, and what if s/he does a horrible job? 有所為,有所不為,有所必為。
郭靖一直忙忙碌碌。黃老邪和楊過好像take很多vacation。Still, when the moment comes, they will be there.