回複:I am a 理財顧問。

If you want to rank 理財顧問, there may be 3 types -

Bad one - They only care about their commission; they'll misguide you to buy products with high commission but do not fit your family's financial goals; such as UVL for low income family.

So-so type - Most of them use "cookie cutter". They decide your risk tolerance level and investment duration; assign you to a catology (may base on the segmentation analysis results from company's research team) such as "moderate", then assign a recommended "portfolio" consists with a group of funds.

The best - This FA knows very well about your family (when you are going to retire; when you kids are going to univ; you get promotion this year, you are granted more company stocks .....). The FA will design a custom portfolio for your household. The portfolio considers tax effect; portfolio safety, return rate, liquidate needs ....

Now let's talk about if it is worth to have a FA -Most of people here only care about return rate. For households with decent size, risk management is much more important than investment rate. Tax is also a key consideration. Your portfolio may have lower absolute return rate but much higher "after-tax" rate. Your portfolio may have lower rate in good market but also not drop much in down market. 5% evry year for 10 years is much better tahn 20% one year and -15% another year.We have been "yi qiong er bai" when coming to this country; for years the goal is to make more $$; so we have not pay much attnetion on preserve $$ (the purchasing power and to minimize tax) therfore not quite value the safety.....

Ok, I guess it is long enough to attract zhuang tou :>)

Have a great weekend!


