
回答: Short Sale Seller繼續 續租的情況及後果古石2012-06-07 00:43:27


有被指控貸款欺詐負刑責的風險。除非你能說服銀行放棄該條款。我曾讓賣家多住了幾月,合同是看房子 (house sitting)。我那時沒讀短售合同,不知有這規定。總覺得不妥,就用了個“看房子”的合同。

Short Selling and Renting from the New Owner – Gainesville Short Sales

On February 14, 2012, in Gainesville Short Sale Agents, by Stephanie Anson

Short Selling and Renting from the New Owner – Gainesville Short Sales

Gainesville Short Sales Question: Can a homeowner short sell his home and rent from the new owner with the possibility of buying it back after his credit is paid?

This may be a good idea but too risky to try. It’s not wise to enter into something that is uncertain especially when it has legal aspects to it.

The banks have varying standards and regulations when it comes to short sales. Short sale approval letters vary from bank to bank. But normally, banks set a condition that the occupant/seller cannot continue living in the home once the sale has closed. This could be considered a mortgage fraud and you might get into trouble. To be sure, it’s best to seek legal advice from your Gainesville short sale attorneys.

Criminal charges may be filed against you if the bank found out that you violated the parameters provided in the short sale approval. If you are an underwater homeowner and could no longer sustain your mortgage payments, it’s best to simple do a short sale.
